Tired Feet

“Style icon? Me, in 17 years.”

I had a friend who got married on his birthday.

Honestly now I just kind of want to meet your mom.


100% Reese is the girl who will taunt you at your locker surrounded by a gaggle of other girls, and Nicole is the one who will just slam your head in it and walk away.

Nicole. Reese would come out all scrappy and solid, but Nicole would hang back and just let Reese tire herself out before she just walloped her. Nicole is all about the long game, and she knows she can win.

She certainly gives a reasonable sound byte, but a great many people who work with people in power (myself included) will tell you that your core job is often making sure your person doesn’t publicly look like a moron and that quietly expressing your disagreement often is insufficient. That doesn’t necessarily need to

I believe it, nobody deserves it, and is incredibly fucked up of her to try to use it to worm her way into people’s sympathies especially while she’s working for a team that wants to dismantle reproductive freedom, pregnancy care, and mental health care.

Of all the people you can screw with in the world, how dumb do you have to be to pick Judge Judy?

As I posted originally, I’m all for people exposing themselves to new religions. If this were a post about her going to xyz place and participating, more power to her. I’m not going to begrudge that on anybody and in fact wish more people would be open. But this isn’t that. It’s a statement about how she is not only

I’m literally agreeing with you. Maybe snip at someone else.

Came here specifically for this joke and am very disappointed in everybody but you that I had to scroll down so long to find it.

I can only speak for a couple, but Jews are generally fine with non-Jews participating. Catholics are decidedly not ok with people taking Communion, but you can go up for a blessing during Communion time.

Seriously, I’m all for exposing yourself to different religions and practices but this feels like she’s just trying to collect them and get applause for it. “I have chanted and meditated in some of the most magnificent temples on earth.” Cool story, maybe meditate on why you need to point out that you are the best at

Conversely, this is exactly why she trademarks everything, so that she can have an easier time in court proving if someone has ripped her off.

They’ve also been called out before for willingly handing their guest logs over to the police to search for outstanding warrants. I will be zero percent surprised when it comes out they’ve been giving info to the IRS and whoever collects library fines as well.

THANK YOU. I was becoming deeply concerned that everyone did their laundry regularly. I don’t want to live in a world like that.

Ok, well, now I’ve realized that I need to see a House/Touched By An Angel crossover just to watch Monica wither under House’s attention.

I’m also offering Crystal Pepsi for the designated drivers. Only $16 each.

Friends, I would like to take this opportunity to announce that I am now selling tickets for S’morez Fe$t. For the low, low price of $100 you can eat a Lucky Charms marshmallow while listening to Spotify in my backyard. Bug repellant for the mosquitos is just $19.99 extra. My Instagram has a picture of my cat giving