
Yeah, as a life long Chicagoan (in the neighborhood where he mostly shot this/based it off of no less) I was shocked how little this actually represented the city. One of the main things is (as you said) there are TONS of women in gangs and in leadership positions in gangs. There is also a SHITTON of advocacy against

guys hes not wrong

I’m sorry for the awful thing that happened to you. People can be awful. I hope that you are able to find some kind of peace.

Thank you for sharing your story. I am an abuse survivor and I know how hard it can be to talk about it. Your bravery and honesty is really inspiring.

Thank you. I may use those eventually, someday, maybe.

Chicagoan here, won’t see this dook. Not that I don’t believe in the violence/segregation in my city, I am just seeing Lee as a self-aggrandizer, and the PLOT of this movie is incredibly tone-deaf.

Women’s “empowerment” is portrayed in this film solely as women’s ability to withhold sex from men (a power that, spoiler alert, the existence of rape and other forms of sexual coercion proves we do not have), which is a pretty fucked-up perspective. Spike Lee has more than a “woman problem,” he has a major misogyny

“We cannot be out there going ya-ya-ya there [Ed note: He means protesting] and then when it comes to young brothers killing themselves, then mum’s the word,”

This movie sounds like one clueless White Hollywood and Buzzfeed would make. The main character is named “Chi-Raq”? The women go on a sex strike? They make sure to name drop the only guys from tge last 5 years White people would recognize from their race war bulletins? It sounds like pop surface crap with no grasp of

I think we owe you an apology for having had to 1- Watch this movie, and 2- having to write about it.

Except that they’re not caving to terrorists, they’re creating and encouraging the terrorists. The Republican leadership is to these terrorists what Sinn Fein was to the Provos a few decades ago.

IIRC the article went on to say that the Republicans had to put in some sort of grace period for repealing Medicaid expansion until whoever was in the White House in 2017 could come up with an alternative to ACA.

In other news, Howard Eskin thinks he’s somebody.

And how many mass shootings has Norway had again?

I tried to have a discussion with a gun owner that criminalizing at a federal level gun trafficking would be a good law. I didn’t think that was controversial. I mean, we’re all anti-criminals having guns, right? So...making laws making it harder for criminals to illegally obtain guns (by criminalizing gun

This is purely pedantry, but the amendment is referring to the military definition of regulated, as in “good working order”. That said, it’s also referring to an archaic concept of the term “militia” and has an incredibly important but often overlooked comma.

Creating dialogue that leads to mass shootings at Planned Parenthood clinics then refusing to take the blame/even really acknowledge the situation for what it is?

And if they weren’t carrying them today, they probably were yesterday. Amirite?

The minimum sentence for any illegal action that leads to a wrongful conviction should be ten years, or the numbers of years served in prison by anyone wrongfully convicted - added together.

If you participated, the only way you get back to the lower sentence? You help convict your co-conspirators.

There’s got to be

Football truthers were disappointed to learn that women can play football after realizing there is no false flag.