
This is the political equivalent of tugging her pigtails. They just want to get noticed by her, they’re not the smartest or the best at anything, but they have to get her attention somehow.

Taxation without representation is what DC has.

What you have is a fundamental lack of the idea of taxes and shared burden. Also, any basic understanding of how society functions.

But you should definitely go move somewhere libertarian, except there are no countries that are (despite having wealthy supporters) because

How are you supposed to even hold that? Is that what these people mean by sacrificing for their faith?

That is straight up terrifying

Except, per the article, they pulled his scholarship and he still wasn’t allowed to transfer.

Well, if an aging star player can beat a small child bloody without getting kicked out, it’s not surprising they won’t kick a recent pro bowler out for beating a woman.

Actually, when you’re a multibillion dollar corporation you frequently don’t follow the rules to the t because you understand that you have power (and money for lawyers) that can protect you should the need arise. They had the ability to access these photos, using incredibly questionable arguments. No way the Cowboys

Can’t both be awful? Especially since this is the rather rare time where they actually attempted to prosecute someone, and a celebrity at that, for domestic violence. The NFL isn’t even trying.

Oh, I know intelligence doesn’t keep you from being evil or ignorant. But these guys are not acting as if they are evil geniuses. They seemingly use have a very mindboggingly narrow form of intelligence. Their analysis is just so faulty, so plain bad, that it is fucking baffling. And not in a calculated manner the way

He was convicted in a bench trial, not a jury trial. So, no it wasn’t guaranteed that there would be the same result second time around. No conviction is a given, and looking at all of the football fans still supporting Hardy it is rather understandable to conclude that a jury may not convict.

Are you fucking kidding me? I dont even understand how a person’s brain could make that equivalence.

She rightfully thought that nothing would happen to him. So she took a settlement and hit him where it hurt. I doubt it was viewed as money over him being imprisoned, rather money over nothing happening to him at all. Add that to her fear that he would kill her if she was ever responsible if something did happen and

Well, they can’t be expected to, given the rate of domestic violence within the force.

You would think, but apparently not, check out some of the cowboys message boards that were posted in the comments. Even racism isn’t enough to tip the scales on this issue.

Apparently he literally just got his record expunged. I’m wondering if it has something to do with that, if a FOIA was able to go through that hadn’t before. That or someone was so pissed they decided to do it anyway? But I think they would have mentioned that had it been the case. Also, hard to argue they should

Ugh, that is too true.

Choosing to take comfort in the fact that these awful people are becoming less and less powerful. I know they still have far too much power, but I can only deal with so much shit in one day.

Wait, is he bragging about knowing who ISIS and Iran are? That... is not an accomplishment. People who only get their news via facebook know about ISIS and Iran. Small children know about ISIS and Iran. Fox News viewers know about ISIS and Iran. Granted the latter don’t know anything factual about either, but they are

Oh, he’s definitely more dangerous than most of them. I’m thrilled he is polling so poorly and terrified he will be the VP nominee, especially since he’s from Ohio. I just meant that policy-wise he’s less awful. Which says more about the rest of the candidates than him.

I would like to use this moment to remind everyone that he is probably the least awful of the top 10 Republican candidates at the moment. Because the GOP is the fucking worst.