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    Ok, I'm trying this tomorrow. Thnx.

    I tried Nutella this year for the first time. I love it on everything....and I mean I sip cucumbers and apple slices in it. I think it is really the Nectar of the Goddesses.

    Aimee, please let the sad kids know that Kristen Stewart may be starring in a remake of Teen Wolf, ok? It isn't true, but seeing them so squirrelly is giving me joy. Thanks.

    Now I want to watch it again right now.... I have watched it twenty times. It makes me a maniac laughing.

    I agree. However, with that said, she is so versatile and charismatic that I can't imagine her not being a fully realized character.

    Leslie Jones is a treasure. I'm really looking forward to this lineup.

    I love Spy.... I think Melissa McCarthy and Rose Byrne became my new ship! So funny I have watched it countless times. The rat and bat infestation was magical cinema..... My sides hurt for days.

    Ok, you no dudebro then....you a man.

    Yep, shirtless pics would help me decide too.

    They should start a boy band....

    Would this be appropriate wedding dresses for our upcoming nuptials?

    I have seen this show once and I would only watch it again if I was blackout drunk and in a bubble of sanitation and silence.

    Thanks Kristin! I have never heard of the skivvy roll until your article. It will be perfect for my trip to Austria and CR. I learn something new from you all the time.

    Terrifying, Beth. I never even thought people did this anymore.

    Why yes, yes they do, (someone told me one time in passing. Ha!)

    Wow, that is so sad. Poor boys. Didn’t their father’s defend them?

    Cults are pretty similar in their pathology apparently. I saw a documentary that made me wonder how Scientology ever received a religion tax exemption.

    Ha! I also heard to never get in a car with a man with three names... Apparently I was thought to be an idiot who would hitch hike in the 20/21st century and thereby become a statistic of some weird serial killer.

    Thanks Yanni. I will definitely check it out.

    But, but women don’t really want to bemanagers or money.....heck they probably aren't even asking for equality or even really working at these companies. They all have Women's Studies Liberal Degrees and baby making aspirations only. They only want sugar daddies to take care of them until they trade up again and