I see the light. It burns!

I found this beauty. 1994 Audi A6. It runs...for a while... Awesome external cooling system though....

That "Straight Outta Compton" should also be renamed to "Mexican". My mom is the only black person living on that block, and the schools are now 80-90 percent Mexican. When I went back home to visit, it was eerily quiet. No helicopters or constant sirens.

Population will be more dense in our rural districts and there will be a family on every forty acres or less.

There is an app called Aurora Buddy that'll alert you when there's a strong chance that the aurora's visible in your area. The alarm went off at 1AM on a clear day, and I was able to catch the aurora for the first time in my life. I'd recommend it to anyone who has an android phone.

That is true. I 100% agree with you. Let's not forget about that other toxin people love, hot sauce. I personally can't take too much of it. People call me a wimp. I tell them that my tongue isn't nerve damaged from the poison, so I can actually feel the damage being done. :-P

Actually, drinking certain types of alcohol in MODERATION does have health benefits. Your body is improved by it. I couldn't find any evidence that taking in nicotine through cigarettes in moderation improves anything in your body. So:

If the water's venting to the surface, then that indicates thin spots on the icy crust. So far "Europa Report" has been accurate. If we ever go there, better bring a harpoon.

So if this judge hadn't made this decision, every building would have to be made out of depleted uranium, with CDC level exhaust fans to handle a chemical attack. And airbags.

There's something else to consider. What are you going to do about the moon dust? It gets everywhere, and really gums up moving parts, as the Apollo moonwalkers found out. Ever seen what it looks like in a microscope? It's nasty stuff

The little thing in the shadow is actually a vortex, which looks like a hurricane or typhoon from space. The clouds are so high, they're still reflecting the sunlight.

LMAO!! I don't know why, but the ending had me dying!!

I wonder if I'll get in trouble if I recreate the arguements with my wife in this? Would I be in even more trouble if I ended everything she said with an evil laugh?

Did I just read that a politician did a semi-selfless act? Am I in Bizarro-world?

Well, looks like I might've been wrong. Looks like it's the hobo spider, and not the brown recluse. Their bites look very similar.

We have those little buggers in Washington State. I was about to kill a small spider when the thing came right at me. I thought it was making a run for it till when I sidestepped, it compensated and kept coming for my foot. That's when I realized it was a brown recluse. I was about to squash it, then I noticed I

Now playing

Our Great Leader, as always, has allowed this company to plagiarize his idea.

I remember seeing on Discovery or Science Channel a prototype solar collector that heated the water up to over 1,000 degrees. The water was so hot that when the sun came back up, it was still above the boiling point. So it could produce electricity 24 hours a day.

Curves, your...angry. I've never seen you angry before O.o

Here's one I found. Very high on the addictively weird factor
