I found this beauty. 1994 Audi A6. It runs...for a while... Awesome external cooling system though....
I found this beauty. 1994 Audi A6. It runs...for a while... Awesome external cooling system though....
They'll be wearing GoPro Hero HD helmet cams
Well, we can take prisoners on death row, train them, and send them in the tombs.
Tomorrow, 2021? You're replying from the future? I need some...stock charts. You think you could send them to me? No lottery numbers. That would arouse suspicion
It's from the movie Fifth Element. She was genetically perfect. Her DNA was designed by aliens.
You do realize that if you take care of yourself, you will live until 2050's. You could live till 2070's if you're a Centenarian.
You got me beat. I'm in a 1350 sq ft tri-level townhouse for 800 a month. I'm about 85 miles east of Seattle
We're well on our way to those tiny metal boxes they call apartments you see in all the sci-fi movies about the future. I wondered where those started.
Conspiracy theory 1: Louisiana and Texas enter petitions to secede from U.S. Days later, platform explosion off of Louisiana coast belonging to company that has interests in Louisiana and Texas.
Actually, it won't feel like much. You know, in WWII the Japaneses said they wouldn't invade America because there would be "a gun behind every blade of grass". That was back in the 40's, before gangs, survivalists, gun clubs, and paranoid conspiratists. How many guns do you think would be behind every blade if…
I guess this is what happens when you have funds that exceed the boundaries of good taste.
Hello, I'm a Nigerian Prince, and I need this card, but I cannot get it due to circumstances beyond my control. I need you to send me the a deposit $5000 and I'll use the money to trade in blood-diamonds. I'll then send you the winnings of the European Lottery ticket that I currently possess, but cannot cash out. …
Wait! This selection isn't complete without the teletubbies! With that and Spongebob, you'll have a nice empty slate for a mind that you can shape in your image in no time. Muahahahahahaaaa!!
Can't you use Chrome for streaming? Like streaming the latest episode of the Clone Wars from starwars.com, or the latest episode of the walking dead from amctv.com? Even checking back episodes from diynet.com or hgtv.com? If you can do that, that seems like a good reason to have Chrome on your tv, especially if you…
LOL! That's true, but...getting to Hwy 174(I lived in Compton, so you know what kind of traffic I'd have to fight)
Easy to escape? You seen the traffic going to Big Bear? It's not as easy as you think.
So, it won't improve my handwriting?(The only "F" I've ever received in school. And yes, I got my hyde tanned over that)
I can't believe how many people thought this was a serious comment. I saw this reply - LOL, then I saw the responses to this reply - LMAO. This is a "Team America" response and should be taken as such.
What, Google shares down 10%, but the company's still strong?