I see the light. It burns!

He should try to sell these to people, record their reactions, and put it on Youtube.

I remember these kind of anti-viruses. I remember getting one while trying to download a tv-show off of one of those streaming sites. I believe it was an episode of Babylon-5. I remember it wouldn't let you surf the web, even in safe mode. I had to go to this one web site on a friend's computer, download detailed

More intelligence? You want more intelligent Raptors?? Thanks to you, not only will they be opening doors, but they'll be doing home invasions when they get hungry.

NASA: Curiosity, looks like we know what that is. It's simply a piece of plastic that fell on the ground

JPL seems to think that it's a piece of plastic that fell off of curiosity. Wait...aren't the wires held together by.....plastic???

My wife always told me I was a supertaster. I guess that's why 3-bean salad makes me wanna puke, I can't stand dill pickles, and I gotta put 5 teaspoons of sugar in coffee along with cream to make the stuff taste right. I also tell her that when it comes to spicy foods, I'm not a wuss. All of the pain receptors on

I think it's because they sold American products to Iran. Call me naive, but I believe in following the law. If they sold other countries products to Iran, and the countries didn't care, so be it. Then I'd say ZTE was getting a bad rap. But, they sold American products to a country that America didn't want to sell

Actually, ZTE was caught selling Iran Cisco switches, along with other telecommunications equipment that was banned from being sold to Iran.

I'm glad that some Chinese workers are standing up and saying "enough is enough!" This also seems like the answer to the accusations by some that we are misguided in saying that these working conditions were horrible by Chinese standards. I also wondered if we were blowing this out of proportion. But, I'd call

Yep, definitely makes me feel good. You know, laughter is the best medicine

Okay, okay I get it. This is your new research challenge. You want me to find the details of this "mystery phone". Okay so far I know...it's got a touch screen interface...it's not a flip phone...and it's with AT&T. Stand by for the rest of the details as I find them....

You know, it's a Sony Trinitron. Those things are like Hondas when it comes to TV's. Sorry to say but you may die of a heart attack raging against it before it goes out. My Trinitron from 1987(got it as a reward for getting a high gpa in middle school) is still going.

So...for the price of that hot tub boat, I can go on about ohhh...50-60 Carnival line cruises. 25 if you're going on 7 day cruises. And they come with....a hot tub!!

Does that mean we'll see meth addicts wearing band-aids? Are they going to tell their probation officer, "I cut myself. See, I'm trying to take better care of myself. It's anti-bacterial!"

I changed the channel one time in a person's car without their consent. They were listening to satellite radio when the performer started talking trash about black people always having to use the N-word. Now I'm at a family reunion, in a small town in Michigan(South Haven), and I'm the only chocolate chip that I

Trouble with glasses? What about if your eyes are shined?

Somebody's wondering if you could put a baby in there

Remember, fashion has a thirty year cycle. You'll always think your grandparents dressed cool, it was your parents who dressed "dorky"

I wish the dial tone statement was true. Working in repair for a telecom company, I can't tell you how many times I've had to fix the "no dial tone" problem.

Hmm...you've given me an idea for a new movie to pitch to the Sy-fy channel.