Tipsy Longstocking

"I'd just like it if feeling empowered didn't include demanding that everyone else around you be dis-empowered"

I get that. I did things my parents weren't aware of. But according to testimony, the victim and most of the other kids had a habit of getting drunk at parties. (Which does not in any way mean that she's responsible for her assault.) Not being aware of the conduct your child shows on a regular basis is just sloppy

That's just ridiculous. If we go by the "as long as you do it safely" route, why stop at drinking? "Well, they're going to do heroin anyway, so why don't I get it for them? I'd rather them get blasted at home than out in the street!" Smh.

I'm referring more to the scale of the partying and the fact that these are high school kids, not college-aged students. I did my partying after I was out of my parents' house. I can't imagine why parents would be okay with their kids acting like that and then coming back home. But that's me.

This is nearly word for word what I said to Mr. Longstocking. Everybody there was underage. How did they even get access to alcohol? I just can't.

Truth. I don't even wear makeup on a regular basis and yet I have no self control at all when I see a Sephora storefront. I go in and come out with bags of makeup I know I probably won't even use in my day-to-day life. It's a sickness.

So, what about the overweight, barrel-chested guys who head straight to the weights, lift 50 pounds three times, and then spend the rest of their time walking around looking condescendingly at all the ladies who are not doing "real" workouts? I would love to see 120 tips for them.

" if it's free, you're not the customer — you're the product."

This really resonated with me. I grew up with a best friend and I've reached out to her several times since we've been adults, but for some reason, she just doesn't reciprocate. At this point in my life (married, four kids, almost 30), I don't have a best friend either, though I do have several "friends". I have

I exclusively breastfed our second child day and night. I got pregnant with our third child 12 weeks postpartum. Sometimes the ovaries just don't get the memo that you're nursing.

Nail. Hit.

I'm watching Psycho and your banana gif is dancing exactly in time with the soundtrack. Just though you needed to know that.

This might sound trite, but I'm so glad you posted this. I've just been trying to work up the energy to get back to the gym myself. (I'm pregnant with our fourth child and I desperately want to avoid looking like a small house.) Best wishes on your workout goals!

Ah...that's good to know. Maybe it's just some doctors then. That makes me feel a tad better.

I really don't know if it's actually a law or not. But a good friend of mine who had a live birth and then miscarried twins later wanted to get her tubes tied. Her husband wouldn't sign the form, so she couldn't do it. Another friend of mine, though, wanted to have one more child but her husband went and had a

To everyone who is considering the Essure procedure, I was planning on having it done myself. Until I found out that the rods are made of nickel. So if you have a skin allergy to nickel, be sure to tell your doctor because it may not be a viable option for you.