Tippi St. Clair

Are you watching Rachel now? OMG …. This is fucking terrifying.

Oh, nknotz …. Wish I could report that I'm doing well, but I'm not, not at all.


I love Megan Hilty. She's got a lot of charisma, and she's very easy on the eyes, and, of course, there's that great set of …. pipes ;) I loved the routine where she sang, "Grin and Bear It."

Well, shit. I just finished drying my election night tears, and now I'm drying the tears brought on by "The Love I Meant To Say." Wow, what a lovely song, and so beautifully sung.

Moi, aussi. Fuck unity.

Kamala Harris is my new U.S. senator, too! Hooray!

About 6-7 years ago, the older son, of one of my cousins, graduated from NYU's film school. For a couple of years, he worked a few behind-the-scenes crew-type jobs, in television, and then, he chucked it all, and he and his girlfriend bought a small farm in New Hampshire, where they grow, oh, hell …. I don't know ….

What do you do when those people are family?

I blocked all three of them, last night, too. It felt good, and I'm smiling every time I see This user is blocked.

"I'll provide analysis of the remaining sections of this plan over the course of the next several days."

Seeing those devastated, weeping Hillary supporters just killed me, and set me to sniveling again, so, thanks for that. Not.

President-elect Trump's true intentions:

Thanks for that. I have to tell you, it helps, immensely, to know that I'm not the only one shedding tears over this travesty, although I'm sorry you felt driven to such despair that you cried.

Well, if my devastated brain had been functioning properly, I might have stood a chance of figuring it out, myself. Alas, I'm not sure my brain is ever going to recover from this shock to its system, and, had you not indicated who you are, in your post, I'd likely never have figured it out ;)

I just woke up from a nap. Feeling ever so slightly not-as-suicidal as I was a few hours ago.

Howdy. Didn't recognize you there, for a minute ;)

No worries. I sat up, at WOT, reading and typing, 'til @ 4:30 AM. Finally went to bed, slept fitfully for about 4 hrs., now sitting here, feeling sick to my stomach.

Yep. It sure does.

The key word being incomprehensibly.