Tippi St. Clair

Okay. Here's the thing. I'm having trouble dismissing the insistence of the Republicans that Pres. Obama would not be permitted to appoint a justice for the vacant Supreme Court seat. Delay, delay, delay …. Refuse to hold hearings, refuse to bring his nominee up for a vote, wait until the American people elect the

I haven't said it, but I've been thinking the same thing. I just can't figure out how it, otherwise, makes sense.

Well, not everyone. Probably more like only half of the country. Oof.

I feel fortunate, indeed, that I don't have the addiction gene, at least as far as pot and alcohol are concerned. There is a history of alcoholism in my extended family — as I suspect there is in most families — and I spent my 20s on a barstool, whenever I wasn't out back of the bar, smoking pot.

Well, this is weird. The same thing happened to me. When I was in my mid-20s, I'd get spooked, whenever I smoked. Spooked, anxious, paranoid. So I gave it up for a while. Went back to it later, but after I had my daughter, when I was 29, my lifestyle no longer permitted so much in the way of partying.

I did it, too. Blocked. My hope is that, soon, there'll be no one left to listen.

Yep. I did it tonight, too. Don't want to hear any fucking more of it.

Thank you for all of your smart, insightful, thoughtful posts, these last few months. This place has been my lifeline, as it is, again, tonight. I just don't know what else to say. There are no words. No words.

Yeah, I was a big pot-head, when I was in my teens and 20s. Not so much now. I'll indulge a couple times a year, in a social setting, but seldom by myself. Don't really drink any more, either. Just a lifestyle change, I suppose.

Thank you. I just heard, on MSNBC. I've turned it off. Can't listen. Can't bear to hear another word from him. Just feel overcome with despair. Unbelieving. Stunned.

I can't believe this has happened. Can't believe it. I've never felt such despair.

It's over. She's conceded. It's over.

It passed in CA, too, so I guess at least we can drown our sorrows by firing up a big ol' bowl. So, why doesn't that make me feel any better?

I don't know how much longer I'll be there. I'm beyond words, can't stop crying. I may try to sleep, but don't think I'll be able to. May stay on WOT for a while, at least until I can somehow bring myself to stop crying. I don't know why I can't stop crying. I'm not a cryer. I don't cry, over fucking anything. I've

I was saying earlier, I'm glad my mom is no longer alive to see what's happened. As I marked my ballot for Hillary Clinton, earlier tonight, I thought of her — my mom — who was a huge HC supporter. It was very disheartening, for me, when she didn't live long enough to see Pres. Obama elected, but tonight …. tonight,


From your lips to god's ear.

Thank you. Just …. thank you.

I'm just beyond words. I've already cried a thousand tears. That started about an hour ago. Unfathomable despair. Don't know what to do with myself, so I came here, and it's helping, a bit, I guess.