Tippi St. Clair

Yep. Blocked. Again.

Re: Robert Blake, I followed that case quite closely, read a lot about the wife, Bonnie, and all I can say about it is that ol' Bonnie seemed to be a willing participant in her own murder. She played right into Blake's murderous impulses in ways that I cannot excuse, cannot defend.


Oh, absolutely. Rachel Maddow just ran a clip-fest of that craven piece of shit Ted Cruz, as he lambasted DT as unfit, a psychopath …. and now, he's on his fucking knees, begging for a job from the man he opined would destroy this country.

Amended post:

Watch Strictly Ballroom. That'll cure your funk ;)

Tonight, I heard that, while he'll probably be able to populate his top positions, he'll likely have trouble filling hundreds of other, lower-rung jobs, in his administration, because many "establishment" Republicans are like rats deserting a sinking ship. No one wants to be associated with white supremacist Steve

LOL. I think it probably was that letter that I just quoted from, above! It was great, wasn't it? Ordinarily, I'm no fan of John McCain, but I sure was happy to see his in-your-face response to Putin's overtures. I'm just glad to see that someone is willing to come out and tell it like it is.

Yes, Megyn Kelly. Kind of like Arizona Senator John McCain, a man for whom I've developed a great antipathy, over the last decade or so. But just today I read that John McCain said this:

I'm not bilingual, but I do live in Southern California, and I know that, here, bilingual is a great thing to be when you're looking for a job. Many job candidates who are proficient in both their chosen fields, and in Spanish, really have a leg up in a challenging job market.

Well, yeah!

Just now found your post, Crooked Paul, and it's interesting that I should come across it now, because I've just been reading about some statements Michael Moore has made over the last few days.

Ooh, thank you for the monologue link! I'll check it out later tonight.

Sorry I haven't been around today. I've noticed your posts, but haven't had time to reply. Will be back here, in a little while. Don't know if there's an election discussion going on anywhere else, on AVC, since WOT won't be up tonight. If you find out about another discussion, let me know.

Well, when I clicked on your link, I just got a blank tab, but I went to YouTube and searched for the trailer, and OMG, it looks hilarious! I'd forgotten how funny Matthew Broderick can be, and it's got the great Joan Cusak, too! I love Joan Cusak! And Toni Collette! She's one of my favorites. About A Boy ranks just

It was a good movie, wasn't it? One of my personal faves.

Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! OMG, no, I'll just bet he isn't!

LOL. Can't say you're wrong about that! Of course, I'd feel a whole lot better about their Jesus-loving, capitalist ways were Putin and his minions not jailing and murdering journalists, throwing gays from the rooftops, and invading sovereign nations.

Okay, okay, I'm thinking it over …….

LOL. Well, that movie must have slipped past me, unnoticed, but it's one I'll be sure to add to my list for future viewing! I'm a big Tony Shaloub fan, and, while I find Alec Baldwin's behavior to be distasteful and objectionable, from time to time, I do appreciate his acting skills.