Tippi St. Clair

Beat ya to it.

Can't even speak. Paralyzed. Having a hard time reading the WOT comments through the tears. Literally.

WOT is up.

Do you have to go to work tomorrow? I hope not, hope you can sleep in.

It's 10:07. Where the fuck is the new WOT?

Well, if it's any consolation, I think that what I was watching wasn't live. I think it was recorded a couple of hours ago. I guess i don't know how to do this shit. I've never watched anything live online before, so I don't know what i'm doing. Have asked Cali, haven't heard back from her yet.

Well, I am feeling pretty flattened right now. Heh. That was an attempt at a joke. Yeah, I know …. Sad.

Keepin' It 1600 is on live, now.

I wish I could joke around with you. I just can't. I'm in the depths of despair, despondency. The depths. Overcome with despair. Can't do anything but weep. I hope this country crashes down around every single person who voted for him. And I hope Comey is run out of town on a rail. He's done. OMG, I wish I could snap

I think it's time to bust out the reefer brownies that have been gathering frost, in the freezer, for the last year. Or maybe I'll make a liquor store run. I drink almost never, have not a drop of anything alcoholic in the house. No one to talk to. Thank you for talking to me. I'm feeling very, very down. Crying now.

I just cannot believe this country is so full of haters. Anyone who can vote for him is a hater, there's just no other explanation. Oh, god, I wish I knew what to do with myself. Can't sit here any longer, can't seem to make myself get up and do something. Beyond despair.

I'm in utter despair. I don't know what to say. Nothing we can do. I think he's done it. This is among the darkest days in my 61 years of life. I am beyond despair. Deep, deep despair. Don't know what to do. Texting with my daughter. She's beyond despair. What to do? What to do? I don't know. Can hardly sit here.

DDB …. What's going on? What is happening? I'm freaking out. My poor daughter is almost in tears. Are you worried? What are you thinking? Help! Talk me down off the ledge! I'm stessin', here!

There's a dead mall down in Laguna Hills that I wind up at once in a while. My cousin still goes to the J.C. Penney store there, which is still viable, as are a couple of the attendant businesses that have an entrance from the parking lot, like CPK, but, man, being inside that mall is eerie, with about 3/4 of the


"Seriously, did anyone here do that?"

Don't you have to wonder what these people tell themselves that allows them to pursue a course which, at its core, is saying "Well, it's clear we can't win fairly. It's clear that our ideas and policies don't attract enough voters to give us the edge, so if we can't ethically attract enough voters to our side, we'll

This trend toward nationalism, and exclusion, and right-wing politics is alarming, and I can't figure out where it all ends.

P.S. I'm in California, so it's not quite 2 AM here. But you …. You should probably go and get some shut-eye!

Well, I really enjoyed reading your encapsulation of the entire distasteful situation. I'm so infuriated and outraged, so much of the time, and I feel fairly certain that, were it not for WOT, I would have exploded long ago ;)