Tippi St. Clair

It's more than troubling. Anyone would have to be a complete moron not to understand what's going on here. And anyone who thinks this shit will end when the election is over is delusional. These people will never let it die. Never. They're consumed with their burning hatred for HC, and with their lust for absolute

The sheer madness of it all is just staggering, isn't it?

"Whoo! I did it! I convinced someone that a tv show I like wasn't that bad! "

You and me, both. He was about 10 back then, so he'd be in his late 30s, maybe 40-ish, now. It's so weird to think about that. He's older, now, than I was the night I brought him home with me.

Yeah, with actors, I suspect that with every job, they figure it's going to be their last. There's a lot of job insecurity associated with the profession, from what I've heard. Additionally, perhaps he understands that his gifts don't include matinee idol handsomeness, and he may fear that his type of appeal will be

Yes. The woman was a real piece of work. And, actually, she was calling from Vegas because, the night before, she and her U.S. Marine boyfriend had decided to elope. Jesus.

Mmmmmmmm …. Biscuits!

Real Men Wear Black

Actually, I really like Kevin James. I find him hilarious, and genuinely charming. And I liked Paul Blart I. I just wish he could, generally speaking, find better material.

Ooooh, do go on ….

Yeah, it's not that bad. Okay. It's plenty bad, but it does manage to eek out a surprising level of entertainment value, nonetheless.

Paul Blart: Nuanced Mall Cop!

"Yes," to champagne for ushering HC into the presidency. As for the Senate …. I'm not so sure.

"Does Scorpion count as good???"

Ummmmmmm …. Yes?

Wait …. What? Kevin Can Wait has nuance?

Back in the '80s, I worked in a little bar in So Cal, and, one evening, after having been on the job from 10 AM to 6 PM, the phone rang. It was the barmaid who was scheduled to come in and relieve me, and I knew it was going to be a long night when the first thing out of her mouth was, "Hey! Guess where I am! I'm in

Barricade the door and turn your bedroom into a sewing room.

I'm listening …..

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