Tippi St. Clair

Oh, good grief. I'm telling you, I could have read that thing a thousand times, and still have had no idea what the hell you were talking about. LOL.

Oof. I'd rather stick a fork in my eye than eat an olive.

This is the best part of that article:

I heard, on MSNBC tonight, that the powers-that-be in Great Britain are starting to do some deep investigative work on Trump, that they feel it's necessary to find out as much as they can about him, and that they fear that long-standing alliances may be strained to the breaking point, should Trump win the election.

Goat cheese, applewood bacon, roasted red and yellow peppers, onion.

I hope you enjoy all your events, and I hope you get some sleep, too! :)

Yeah! Why haven't you searched that before???

LOL. That's hilarious. Yes, The Onion has been on its game, hasn't it? So far, my favorite of this election is this one:

Ummmmm …. DDB ….. What does this mean? I've read it a hundred times, and I have no idea what it means.

I think anyone, of any color, who fails to get out and vote for Hillary Clinton, deserves to wake up on Nov. 9 to President-elect Donald Trump.

I'm sorry to hear that. It must be very frustrating when you can't get to sleep. I have an occasional sleep issue, but I don't have chronic sleep problems, and I feel pretty lucky, in that regard.

"Also, 12- or 13-year-old me was pretty excited by Wisconsin Dells, which as far as I could tell was a town that consisted entirely of miniature golf courses and go-kart racing."

Yeah, it's weird that the Trump supporters of my generation, and that of your folks, aren't absolutely outraged by Trump's clear ties to Putin revealed over the last several months.

Yes, it's quite the impressive edifice, isn't it?

Really? Why do you say that? Do you think we'll be significantly further along on our quest for renewable energy, or energy independence?

Gosh, I hope you're right about that. What I'm finding very concerning, now, is the new low bar that's been set in this election. I mean, Trump is, clearly, the single most unsuitable candidate that's ever come down the pike and managed to secure the nomination, and it makes me fear for what the future may hold for

I hope like hell that they are prosecuted.

LOL. Perhaps you're right, although I have to say that Comey doesn't strike me as much of a "personality," i.e., I'm not sure he'd measure up on Fox, in that culture of bombastic vitriol of which they seem so fond.

"Plus, just the fact that so many people within the FBI were willing to talk to the WSJ under condition of anonymity is crazy….what the FUCK is going on that the FBI has so many leaks??"

What with my long diatribe, I forgot to mention that I love the photo of DT you linked. When I clicked on the link and saw the photo, I laughed out loud, so thanks for that!