Tippi St. Clair

Yeah, I know you're right, that there is a segment of the male population that will vote Trump precisely because he's a misogynystic pussy-grabber. I know that those men are out there. I guess I've been fortunate to have encountered few of them in my personal life, but I'm not entirely unfamiliar with the phenomenon.

Chaffetz is the very personification of the word craven. Per Dictionary . com, craven: cowardly, contemptibly timid, pusillanimous. Okay, I had to look up that last one. Pusillanimous: lacking courage or resolution. And I'm sure you're right. He knew that the Comey letter would be revealed, and decided it was in his

I have been, many times. My dad was career Air Force, and, from the summer of 1965 (the summer I turned 10) until January of 1969, he was stationed at the Pentagon. We lived just outside D.C., in Virginia, and all of my dad's brothers (he had five of them) viewed our tour of duty at the Pentagon as a prime opportunity

Yes! Yes! No time to sleep! These comments aren't going to type themselves, are they?

"Also, I always leak tears at the Lincoln Memorial. No other Presidential monuments or memorials have that effect on me. So Abe gets my vote."

Sleeping is highly underrated, isn't it?

Well, either three or none, depending upon whether or not the Dems re-take the Senate. That's what has me worried right now. Just last week, the Dems' numbers, in the key states, were quite a bit stronger than they appear to be today, and I'm kinda sweatin' it, at this point.

Hey. Thanks for posting that link to the Keepin' It 1600 podcast last week. I'm now absolutely hooked, and only wish I'd heard about it earlier.

Yeah, if you don't count the Rapture-ready factor, which scared the shit out of me.

It's astonishing, isn't it? It's like the whole fucking world has been turned on its head. I just don't get it. What happened to "America is the greatest nation on Earth?"

"…how the party of Reagan has almost become the party of Putin."

I saw that guy on Lawrence O'Donnell tonight. So, that's encouraging, right?

And another thing ….

Oh, gosh, I hope you're right. And, when you look at her debate comment in conjunction with Harry Reid's allusion to Trump's Russia connections, it almost sounds as though they've got inside information about what's going on, inside the FBI, with the Trump/Kremlin investigation. I mean, I read, today, that a new

I wonder where he'll land, following his resignation. I mean, I suppose the Republicans will find a spot for him somewhere, but I have no idea what happens to disgraced former FBI directors, in the long run.

He really is shit in human form. Pure excrement. He makes my skin crawl.

Ah, okay. Thanks for that.

So what happens to Comey from here on out?

All day today, I've been saying to myself, "Oh, sweet Jesus, please let the Dems have an ace up their sleeve that they've been holding onto for an occasion such as this! Please, please please …."

On Sunday, Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid sent a scathing letter to FBI Director Comey, "… accusing Comey of applying a double standard to Clinton while letting her GOP opponent get away with breaking the law …." and of "… tarring Secretary Clinton with thin innuendo …."