Tippi St. Clair

And I saw part of Pres. Obama's speech, in Las Vegas, last night, and he did the same thing there, imploring people to come out and vote for Mastro.

I saw something on TV yesterday — MSNBC or CNN — which indicated that, while the Dems are unlikely to re-take the House, there is a better than fair chance that they will pick up a number of seats, although I'm not sure how many they're expected to gain.

Yeah, I read, somewhere, that the Clinton campaign is pouring money — $1 million split between Indiana and Missouri, and $2 million into Arizona — and moving/mobilizing thousands of campaign workers and volunteers into the battleground states. And, presumably, at least some of that effort is going to be directed

Oh, wow, that's a great site, another one I can add to my chart! LOL. They have a lot of information that's easy to see, easy to interpret. Thank you so much for the link! I'm restin' a bit easier, now.

Ahhhh, okay, I see. My last brush with trying to figure out statistics and probabilities and, well, whatever, was 40 years ago, in college, and I'll readily confess that it's not my strong suit (clearly).

Oh, wow, that map shows an enormous lead for Hassan, in New Hampshire! That's great news, indeed! And the lead they're showing for both Mastro and McGinty is greater than the leads indicated by the RealClearPolitics info., so that's good news, too.

I'm not a student of stuff like polls, so I'm sure my methods of figuring out what's going on are rudimentary, at best.

So can I safely update the elaborate chart I've made for myself, which I've needed in order to keep track of all this shit?

I saw an article in HuffPost today, which is very encouraging for the Democrat's chances of re-taking the majority in the Senate.

In terms of the type of supporters and hangers-on DT will attract, after the election, I think you're right. It'll be that same posse of White Supremacist nitwits which supports the likes of George Zimmerman who will become Trump's retinue of hangers-on and groupies.

"JAP Battle."

Me, neither ;)

Yeah, I've always gotten the impression she's kind of the proverbial "red-headed stepchild" of the bunch, and it's increasingly looking as though that might work to her benefit, in the long run, isn't it?

Very distressing. Why the hell did they move it to Friday, anyway?

I saw an article about that yesterday. Also noticed this related article, from The Daily Beast, which takes a look at the likely state of both Donald and Ivanka Trump's future fortunes, following the election. Very interesting. I was just opining, a week or two ago, that I figured post-election Trump will probably be

Just played "Ain't That Lonely Yet," after not having listened to it in a while. Oof. What a great fucking song.

And 10 years after he became a star, he always looked as though he still had only those same two pairs of jeans.