Tippi St. Clair


But how did she feel about Jeff Goldblum?

Found this brief but revealing piece, yesterday, in HuffPost, which chronicles a blog post by legitimate billionaire Richard Branson. The title of the article is "Richard Branson Recalls 'Bizarre' Lunch With Revenge-Obsessed Donald Trump."

Damn right. It's a big "Oof." ;)

If you're interested, L&O and L&O:CI are on WE all night tonight.

Oh, hell, yeah! "You're the puppet!" and "Such a nasty woman" have just taken over the zeitgeist, and I am lovin' it! And yes, last night, I noticed your liberal interjections of "You're the puppet," in your replies to Jasoo. LOL.

Okay, you know what? This reply, which you posted three freakin' days ago, just now posted to my Notifications! Over the last few days, I've been working my way back, into my older Notifications, to see if I've missed anything, catch up on replies, etc., and I'm telling you …. this reply of yours, about your hopes and

Oh, no, no. Your reply certainly did not come off as proselytizing, not at all. You just gave me a straightforward, matter-of-fact reply to my query, and I appreciate the information. The intricacies of religion are, I confess, something I haven't spent a lot of time studying, so the gaps in my knowledge base are,


Aw, c'mon, Core. In your ex's defense, Goldblum has an appealing quirkiness about him, and he's also an intriguing combination of cool aloofness and genuine warmth, which is hard to pull off. Additionally, he's extraordinarily self-confident, and self-confidence can be very sexy.

Oof. Glad I missed that one.

Call Barron! Oh, for the love of god, will someone call Barron?

So excited for the return of Crazy Ex-GF. Oh, and if Rebecca's already moved on from Greg, I want to be first in line.

Okay, so, Saffron Burrows is ranked two spots higher than Bob Freakin' Odenkirk? Ugh. Second time this week that one of the mega-talented stars of the terrific Better Call Saul got the shaft. It's an outrage. I'm outraged, but too tired to go hunting for the exclamation point key.

"It was… fun. Yes, fun."

"…Jasoo needing shaming…."

Hey! Oh, gosh. So tired last night …. barely made it through the debate, fell asleep in the chair, in front of the computer, woke up long enough to upvote a couple of posts, then off to bed. But I'm enjoying reading all of the comments this morning!
