Tippi St. Clair

Cold skin, damp climate …. Mmmmmmmm …. Sexy, amirite?

Did it? Did it? OMG, I hope so!

On the one hand, I agree with you that the country probably should be throwing a parade for Billy Bush, right about now. On the other, Billy Bush basically pimped out that soap opera actress:


You guessed right! I did not know that!

Wait …. What? I thought we were talking about vampires, and I don't recall having seen any BDSM in Twilight.

Take a nap, NUME. You look exhausted.

Yeah, I watched that episode not long ago, so I have to think it was a summer repeat of a tournament episode. I know I came up with the correct question, because, well, Death Valley, but I wasn't sure of the way the clue was worded.

I don't know what Totally Brilliant Tippi is, so, probably not ;)

Delete your account.


Is there a place for "authoritarianism" on that list?

Yep. Back during the GOP's Todd Akin / "legitimate rape" debacle, Ron Reagan Jr. was a guest on Hardball, and he said one of the greatest things I've ever heard about the GOP's pact with the evangelical Christian right and the Tea Party-type crazies:

Me? I'm just waiting and hoping for more damning Trump tapes to surface. As I remarked to Cinnamon Owl (Deborah), today, in last night's WOT: At this point, I'm all about the humiliation, for Trump, for his sleazy family, for his craven spokesholes, and for his witless supporters. Abject humiliation, for the lot of

So, I guess it was a FJ clue, and I didn't have the wording just right, but I did remember the jist of the thing, and …. Yay! Looks like I've managed to stave off dementia for another day!

Yep. That pretty much covers it.

I don't remember if it was a FJ, but yes: Either toward the end of last season, or over the summer, in tournament repeats, there was a clue which focused on the highest and lowest points and the correct question was "What is California?" After the contestant gave the (correct) response (I think it might have been a

Six of one, half a dozen of the other. Obviously.