Tippi St. Clair

But instead of saying, "Thanks,"
That snake gave her a vicious bite

That was cringe-inducing. Oof.

Yes, her name is Jill Harth, and that's exactly what she accused him of — and sued him for — doing.

"More evidence that undecideds at this point are ignorant or and awful."

I spent the entire weekend on an almost unparalleled natural high. By Saturday afternoon, I had reached the pinnacle of glee, the apex of joy, the apogee of delight, the summit of elation. And now, after listening to that frustrating debate last night, I'm trying to recapture some of the magic of my weekend high.

Barron? Barron? Can you confirm?

LOL. Yeah, it's times like this when I really could put some carefully-chosen pharmaceuticals to good use. After watching that debate, I'm wound up tighter than an eight-day clock, trying to calm down by reading all of the great comments on WOT. It's nice to know that one isn't alone in one's outrage, you know?

Delete your account.

Yeah, there's that. In watching — listening — to them, in these debates, I felt pure rage toward both of them. Absolute rage. I could feel my blood pressure skyrocketing, with every word they spoke. I'm probably going to sit out the next debate. I just don't think I can take any more.

Delete your account.

Three against one!

He's pure, unadulterated evil. I don't have words for the hatred I feel. There are no words. He's pure evil.

Delete your account.

Yeah, I also depend, heavily, on the recommendations of organizations such as the ones you referenced, above, and usually do the detail-work on only a few of the propositions.

Wow. Thanks for the link.

"How can Trump go on stage to debate tonight?

It damn-sure does ;)

On Friday night, Cali linked that night's Bill Maher show for me, and in that show, he does a very funny bit about "undecided voters." I'll see if I can come up with a link to that segment.

At this point, I can only dream of, and aspire to, your level of …. greatness?