Tippi St. Clair

Hey! Just now got a WaPo "Breaking News!" alert which said that DT has released a statement that he will not be dropping out of the race, that he's never quit anything in his life! Don't know if this is something new, this morning, or if it's a snippet from his statement of last night.

Re: the "dinging" thing ….

Awwwww …. Molly Ivins! My mom loved Molly Ivins! I can only imagine what Molly Ivins — and my mom — would be making of this!

Fading fast. Bed time. Back in the morning. I'm going to try to get up in time to watch Joy.

"Suggested storing …." now has 100+ comments! Cali is there, and nknotz, and Core Concept, and …. I'm not sure who else. I've only gotten a little ways down. Haven't run into any of the trolls yet, but, as my cousin's son is wont to say, "There's still time!" ;)

"I feel so disgusted about this, and partly because I am so far away from that kind of thinking, but as a man, must deal with this."

I'm watching, too! Paul Ryan has canceled his Wisconsin rally appearance!!! I suppose it's the only shred of hope he'll have for hanging onto something resembling a political career, after this disastrous Trump campaign.

" I was pissed off royally when Matthews whined about one of Joy's comments was too 'religious' (I literally yelled and hit his face on the screen!). Of course it's religious, but it was that fucking hypocrite Bachmann who brought up religion, you stupid Catholic stooge!"

OMG …. Are you watching Hardball now? Joy Reid just took down that stupid bitch Michele Bachmann, took her down and pinned her to the fucking mat. It was fantastic! If you missed it, you have to seek it out, later on tonight.

LOL. Yeah, I've heard her say "Oof" before. It's a word I've used for years. I just think it perfectly conveys a kind of half-exasperated, half-surrendering sigh, kind of a "Well …. What are ya gonna do?" attitude. I know that I use it a lot, but I've yet to find another word that works as well as it does.

Yeah, the appearance of "a failure to connect" is certainly a worry.


I'll never understand how it is that so many people can't seem to recognize the inappropriate affect which accompanies almost everything he says.

On Tuesday, Kristin Welker sat in for Chuck Todd, on MTP Daily, and she interviewed Edward Kleinbard, a professor of USC's Gould School of Law, who stated that it was almost certainly other people's money Trump lost, and he explained a bit about how it all works.

Today in "cautious optimism":

Every day.

I'd rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I am not.

You're welcome. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I just feel as though this is the comprehensive analysis I have been waiting for, of a clinically unhinged Donald Trump, and of the staggering catastrophe a Trump presidency would guarantee.