Tippi St. Clair

On MSNBC, today, I heard speculation that it was Marla Maples. She would have had access to those returns, because they were jointly filed, when she and Trump were married. Her signatures are on the documents.

Wow, I hadn't heard anything about this today, so thanks for the very cogent synopsis. Good to know.

Yep. If I tried to chronicle all of them, here, every night, I'd still be here when my neighbor's rooster greets the sun. It's impossible to keep up.

Tonight, Lawrence O'Donnell had, as a guest on his show, Peter Wehner, who served as a policy adviser in GWB's White House, and I guess he's said it before, but he said it again, tonight, on The Last Word:

You won't regret spending the 7 minutes it takes to watch the video. It's extremely satisfying.

Yep. There's one on MSNBC right now, talking about the "inconsequential" nature of the "overlooked Foundation paperwork," and calling out the NY attorney general for his "partisan bias." LOL. It didn't take them long to get their talking points up and running, did it?

Okay, posted this elsewhere, but it's not showing up, so, apologies if it gets double-posted.


OMG, seriously? Is that what's he's implying? Holy crap. I didn't know that that's actually a thing. I guess I need to get myself over to Breitbart, muy pronto, so I can stay current with all of the nonsense ;)

Oh, I have no doubt that that is exactly what he'll do!

Right now, Hillary is giving a speech at an event in Ohio, and she opened the speech by thanking LeBron James for his endorsement! Ha ha ha! She mentioned that she and LeBron share a deep concern for children across the country, and want them to have the tools necessary "to live up to their God-given potential."

Great news!

Nooooooo …. I'm afraid he's serious. LOL.

Gosh, I hope you're right. I really want to believe you're right. But this HuffPost piece goes a long way toward explaining how it could all go south before Nov. 8.

"WTF? By suggesting at a rally Hillary cheated on Bill, which is too out-of-left-field for even the right wing media to follow."

A couple of weeks back, Elizabeth Warren got that sociopath Stumpf in her cross-hairs and let him have it, with both barrels. She absolutely eviscerated him, and it was glorious to watch.

LOL. I don't know about Thomas …. I hear he sleeps a lot, which might serve to make him less than chatty at parties ;)

Hmmmmm …. Okay, so, you're only able to read comments on the Disqus page for the AVC article, but not on the AVC article page, itself. Okay, I kind of remember your having told me that, now that I think about it.

OMG, this is great! It should be required reading for all mothers of daughters. And I couldn't help but notice that RBG's daughter was born same month, same year I was!