Tippi St. Clair

Can't you access your comments from your Disqus "Notifications"? Are you unable to open a tab/window to your own Disqus profile? I can't remember what you've told me about this, in the past, although I know we've discussed this before.

I suppose.

I suspect that his campaign team is currently engaged in applying their signatures to a mass suicide pact.

Ooooh, damn! You beat me to it! I was going to ask if I could be the one to say it tonight! ;)

"Do you disbelieve women and beauty contestant winners as a matter of routine?"

Yeah, I've previously opined that I used to think that, upon finding out that he hasn't paid taxes in 20 years, his supporters might be a bit miffed. But, upon further reflection, I decided that they'd more likely be thrilled that he had figured out a fool-proof way to stick it to Uncle Sam, and would be pestering him

Oh, honestly, Jasoo …. Do you believe everything you read? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Do you lack even the most rudimentary critical thinking skills?

And, yes, it's clear that he's implying that tax-paying Hillary voters are stupid, but why don't his ordinary supporters understand that he is, necessarily, painting them with the same broad brush, that he's calling them stupid, too? Why don't they get that he might as well be yelling at all of them: "Suckers! You're

Which makes tax-paying Americans, what?

Thank you for the more-detailed info. about RBG. I don't know why I don't seek out and read Court decisions and dissenting opinions more often than I do. I didn't end up going into law, but way back when I was in college (I graduated in 1977, so it's been a long while!), I took a class in Constitutional law, and all

"Good luck with all those Halloweeny thingys. Do you still celebrate that?"

I came back here, this evening, to see what I missed when I had to go to bed last night, and I was going to add, "I loved Madeline Kahn as Trixie Delight in Paper Moon," but decided to check, first, and see if anyone else had mentioned it. LOL.

Jay S. didn't mention it, but, IIRC, the choice had to be someone from outside the U.S., i.e., not an American politician. And the person had to be currently living. But beyond those caveats, they could choose any leader, from any country, on any continent.

Yep. I saw that "teaser" on Rachel Maddow tonight. Evidently, there's going to be a big article in tomorrow's Newsweek, from the same investigative reporter who did the last big Newsweek expose on Trump. And Trump made that deal a couple of months before he made some sort of public statement opining about the

Gosh, I hope so. I hope the Clinton campaign can drive N.C.'s African-American residents to the polls in November, that the outrage over the events in Charlotte will translate into actual votes for HC.

"He was sniffle-snorting from the get-go."

Yay! I'm so glad you were able to order your yuuuuuge hard drive, and some new videotapes! It's so frustrating to get everything all set up, like programming a VCR to record all your favorite shows, and then, finding out that there was some sort of equipment malfunction that leaves you with no recordings. I hope your

If you run into trouble in finding blank VHS tapes in your local stores, there are a ton of them available on eBay:

"#17 Shaun Cassidy was one of TV's Hardy Boys and produced the one-season sci-fi show Invasion."