Tippi St. Clair

Every time Trump opens his big, stupid mouth, these so-called newsmen need to start laughing, out loud, at the laughable.

I'm sorry you didn't make it to the park, but I know what you mean …. For me, it sometimes doesn't pay to get out of bed, let alone walk to the park ;) Aw, sometimes we're just not feeling up to pursuing, or participating in, something we thought we were looking forward to, and on those days, I'm prone to just skip

I know that most folk, here on AVC, seem to refer to people of our generation as "olds" — as do the older people themselves …. uh …. ourselves, but I think that adding the "e" sets the word apart from the regular word "old," and maybe makes it clear that one is referring to oneself as an old person.

Your performance was the stuff of legend, I tell you …. legend ;) And the newspaper hand-off was perfect. Cut and print!

Yeah, my mom was in a lot of pain, from the osteoporosis, so finding things on TV that would distract her was a driving force for me, and Olbermann was just the thing for that.

Wow, I was so busy, yesterday and last night, that I missed almost everything on MSNBC, so I'm afraid I missed BW's new show, and I'm cryin' big tears, don't you know? LOL.

I love dark comedy. In fact, in the current television landscape, dark comedy is about the only comedy that appeals to me.

We must waste no time in calling for the convening of a commission, to investigate the clearly suspicious circumstances surrounding her untimely demise.

Oh, good grief.

Yes! Back when you told me that story, I searched YouTube for the video, but came up empty! But you found it! Yay!

One would think, right?

I signed up just to get that stupid, annoying, intrusive black bar to go the fuck away.

Oooh, thanks for the link. I've bookmarked it, so I can keep up!


I loved Rosie Perez in It Could Happen To You.

I was in college and had just turned 20 when SNL premiered in 1975, and, yeah, the comedy really was specific to the times. Some of it has held up nicely, while some of it hasn't fared nearly as well.

My mom died in 2005, and for the last several years preceding her death, I took care of her for about 16 hours a day (she was almost completely disabled with severe osteoporosis). Although she was a long-time Democrat, she watched CNN, almost exclusively, including Lou Dobbs's show, but during the last couple years of

Lawrence O'Donnell is terrific. I watch his show every night, and I was watching, live, as this incident unfolded. It was one of his most spectacular moments, calling that psycho bitch out on her bullshit, on live TV. It was fantastic!

There aren't any. Well, I take that back. There was one. But he wasn't real. He was a character in a 1989 novel by author, former investigative reporter, and native Floridian Carl Hiaasen, who does corrupt Florida politics better than anybody. He was writing on this very topic in my favorite passage, in my favorite of

I haven't seen it, but thanks for the tip! I'll check it out!