Tippi St. Clair

He's also unwittingly exposed his own wife's dubious immigration status. When that story hit the fan and was refusing to die, DT announced that Melania would be making a public statement within two weeks. Her two weeks ended a week ago, and still no public appearance by Melania. In fact, I don't think anyone has seen

Nah. They've got Al Sharpton on at 5:00 AM now (8:00 EST), a news broadcast after that, and Joy Reid from 7:00 to 9:00. I like Joy a lot, but I miss Kornacki. Up was the perfect show for Kornacki, so, of course, MSNBC had to go and ruin everything.

"More relevantly, how is Trump's last campaign chief laundering lobbying money from the Ukranian treasury, off the official books, not a big deal?"

Oh, lord, I've got a dozen episodes of Aquarius stacked up on my DVR, as we speak, and, just like with American Gothic, I can bring myself neither to watch nor delete them.

I mean, I can't confirm it, but people are talking ….

Uh-oh. Steve King country, huh? Eek.

And sorry, too, for misspelling your name. Sheesh. And right after I kept saying to myself, "It's 'Sill,' not 'Still …. It's 'Sill,' not 'Still." ;)

Yep. Over and over again, I hear the anchors and the commentators and the show hosts opine: "WTF is he doing in Connecticut?" or, "WTF is he doing in Virginia?" or, "WTF is he doing in Mississippi?"

That's right! Kornacki is gay and out.

The polls. All of them.

Sorry, Still …. I posted before I read your comment. Great minds …..

And I think credit also is due NBC for placing very "out" gay broadcasters-journalists-reporters-anchors-commentators …. whatever you want to call them …. in prominent, on-camera roles for quite a number of years now.

Oh …. Please…. God …. Dying here. Please, dear god, will someone please come to me, right now, cast a magic spell, and help me stop the laughing …. Dying, laughing, here in xxxxxxx tonight.

"Settle For Me" is the best musical number from the first season, hands down. So cute, so funny.

Here's a link to a Paste article in which they rank all 39 songs from S1. They also include the videos for all of the songs, so you don't even have to leave the page to hunt down the videos.

Well, good morning! You're up in time to watch Joy Reid on a Saturday! Congratulations! ;)

I read a brief HuffPost piece in which Keilar describes that interview snippet that's gone viral, but this Esquire piece is much better, and more comprehensive, than the one in HuffPost.