Tippi St. Clair

Happy Birthday, Matthew!

I saw that interview! It was great. And, yeah, he's right. "Alt-right" is nothing but a slick euphemism for "white supremacists." They're just trying to sand the hard, ugly edges off, but it's not gonna work.

LOL. Well, the concert sounds great, even though it was a bit uncomfortable in the venue. And I'm so glad you managed to snag the set list! Yay! You and your buddy must have moved fast!

Yeah, the show can be a bit uneven, but I do enjoy it.

Hey! How was your Lucinda Williams show tonight? Was she great?

LOL. No, the quotation comes from the opening theme of the show (although I'm hearing that the opening theme will be different next season, and each subsequent season, should they be so lucky to get continuing renewals) and it's actually spoken, rather than sung. I mean, most of the theme is sung, but that line is

I don't know if there's a Simpsons quotation, but there is a Crazy Ex-Girlfriend quotation:

All of the polls.

The polls.

Yeah, to be honest, I, too, was surprised when it was renewed for a third season. I liked the first season, loved the second season, and, so far, I'm loving season 3 a lot, but I've decided I'm going to really enjoy it while I can, because I don't see it getting renewed again :(

How 'bout "depraved"?

This is so great to know! I've always been under the impression that Facebook required a real name, and I've avoided joining for that reason. So it sounds like I can use a business-type name, or a "handle" of some sort, and just connect with people I want to connect with, without having to put my actual name out there.

So, from what you say, it sounds to me as though they don't ask for two names, like, a user name and a real name.

Thank you for your very nice compliment :)

Well, that's discouraging. I love H&CF, but I guess we have to wonder, now, if it will get a fourth season. Probably not, right? Oof. There are so few shows I really look forward to, these days, and losing H&CF will be a real disappointment.

So, you mentioned that Mr. Taylor had little success in the romance / marriage arena. How so? Was he never married, or married multiple times, or something else? Did you find any information about that?

Hey! Well, it's about 8:30 PM your time, and I suspect you're at your Lucinda show, now. Just wanted to tell you I hope it's a great show, and that it makes up, a little bit, for your crummy week.

Hey. Don't you have friends in Toronto? MSNBC just reported that there was some sort of incident there, today, something involving a knife or a crossbow, or something, and three people are dead. That's kind of unusual for Canada, isn't it?

I'm not on Facebook, either, and there are times when I think I'm really missing out. Today? Yeah, not so much.

I know you're not getting paid to answer questions here, but I have to ask: How do you sign up for Facebook with a "handle"? I've avoided Facebook because I've never wanted to use my real name on anything that involves online activity. Is there a way to join Facebook without using one's real name?