Tippi St. Clair

I'm sure you already know this — as does probably everyone else here — but just for kicks I'm going to put this out there (note: This is from an online article that chronicles the dangers of putting too much personal info online, an article I'll link below):

Read my long Lucinda Williams post before you go to tonight's show.

Lucinda Williams?!? I met Lucinda Williams, many years ago, at a party in O.C.

Awww, thanks for your kind words.

I concur. Michael Vick's crimes did not consist of an impetuous lashing-out, which might have sprung from the heat of the moment. Rather, the source of his crimes was his own conscious, monstrous, deliberate cruelty, and, IMO, he should have been locked up until the end of time. No sympathy; no forgiveness. Michael


Oh, gosh. I'm so sorry to hear about the bad news re: your drive. I know it's a devastating setback for you. I know I'd be devastated, had I lost all of the important stuff you had on that drive. I've been thinking about it, and have been wanting to ask if you'd had any news, but I was afraid to mention it, for fear

But, evidently, he did not have the balls to try and put a stop to it, or to report the incident, or to try to find someone who might assist him in intervening and providing help for the girl. In my book, he's no stand-up guy, either.

I stand corrected. Just about an hour ago, before I saw your comment, I was lamenting the fact that I'd yet to see someone use the appropriate word to describe Nate Parker's behavior that night: predatory. That's the appropriate word, here, so thank you for having invoked it, evidently, before I did.

A few days ago, I read the AVC article, and all of the attendant comments, on this story, and, just now, I read this article, and several hundred of the comments on it, and among all the condemnations and defenses of Nate Parker, there's a word I have yet to see …… Predator.

I watched the first two episodes of American Gothic; the rest are sitting there, on my DVR, waiting for me to make a decision.

Nope. You're not the only one. As I read Velocirapstar's narrative, I was thinking, "Hmmmm …. I must have missed that part of Trump's new plan. Well, I have been distracted by other things today, so …. yeah …. makes sense." LOL.

Yeah, pretty much.

No! I can't stop! I just used it for the first time and, from here on out, I'm going to use it on all of my posts!

My dad grew up in xxxxxxx in the '20s and '30s, and always used "supper." My mom grew up in xxxxxxx during the same time period, and used "dinner." I grew up using "dinner."


Hey. Remember back at the time of the Repub. Party convention, you posted something, urging me to watch the Samantha Bee episode that was on that night …. the one where Bee featured a clip, from an interview, of a boy and his mother. I forget what you called the kid …. it was something funny. Anyway, evidently, that

Ooooh, a potato burrito? That sounds good! I do love me some white carbs! And, actually, I love bacon, too. It's my big meat downfall, I guess. It's just that, a few years ago, I noticed that I wasn't digesting pork well …. It would sit, like a lump, in my chest, and sometimes that lump would turn from uncomfortable

I do like that folksy element; I've always been a big fan of the folksy element ;)

I think I like Tremendously Friendly Fascism. First, you have the near-rhyming element, and it has such a nice ring to it, don't you think?