Tippi St. Clair

Yeah, Del Taco has fries, but they're awful. They're the thick, crinkle-cut type, and they're almost never cooked properly, so they're under-done and limp. Yuck. And, yeah, Taco Bell doesn't offer fries, although they do have something I think they call Fiesta Potatoes, which are small potato "nuggets," drizzled with

In not-so-disappointing news, your male former student had the compassion and concern to fear for the safety of his intoxicated female friends, and the judgment and integrity to do what needed to be done in order to usher them to safety …. as opposed to, say, sizing up the considerable opportunity, for himself, that a

I was quite the party-girl when I was young, up until, oh, maybe my mid-30s, or thereabouts. Did a lot of beer-drinking in country bars, in O.C., back in the day.

So who makes really good fries? I'm not a lover of fast-food, and almost never eat anything more than an occasional chicken soft-taco at Del Taco. But I would like to know who has good fries, because, so far, decent fast-food fries have eluded me.

Oooh, thanks for the tip! I'm gonna seek it out!

Hmmmm …. Maybe I need to check out this Frank Ocean fella. What sort of music does he do? Does he do retro R&B? Not long ago, I heard some new music that very much put me in mind of '60s & '70s R&B, and I loved it. I can't recall who it was that I heard, but it was great, very retro, but with a bit of a modern edge.

I saw, on HuffPost, that your new Frank Ocean dropped this morning. So, are you deliriously happy now? ;)

I don't know if you'll see this or not, but decided I'd post it, anyway. Thought you'd get a kick out of it:

LOL. Exactly!

No shit? I did not remember that!

OMG, that's hilarious! "They picked another dog!"

Oh, no! English teachers!? Wow, you must've had it bad, growing up! LOL.

Ha ha ha ha ha! Me, too! It's just one of the little pleasures in life, isn't it?

I loved him in Rescue Me, loved the show, for about 4 seasons, and then …. yeah, it ran off the rails. But those first few seasons were some crazy funny stuff. And the supporting cast was spectacular, one of the best I've ever seen. It's just too bad they didn't seem to know how to quit while the quittin' was good.

Re: American Gothic, I have, like, 50 episodes on my DVR and, for whatever reason, I can bring myself neither to watch them, nor delete them. LOL. I watched the first two episodes and, yeah, it's a dreadful show, isn't it? I've always kind of liked Virginia Madsen, but even she cannot make that godawful show tolerable.

It is. It's one of my favorite Santana songs.

Garth Gimble, a role he initiated on Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman.

Years ago, when Oprah still had her ABC talk show, Cher was a guest on the show, and it was during the height of the Michael Jackson / child molestation trial fever, and when Oprah asked her what she thought of the whole kerfuffle, Cher replied, "Sometimes you just learn too much about a person to be able to enjoy