Tippi St. Clair

I don't know where you live, but rates of skin cancer vary greatly by region, with Hawaii and the desert Southwest having the highest rates of all types of skin cancer, in the U.S. I live in Southern California, so we see a lot of it here.

So glad to hear from you! For the last couple of days, I've avoided making Disqus contact with you because I didn't want you to feel compelled to respond. I can only imagine that your drive disaster is all-consuming, at this point, and I hope you got some much-needed rest and respite over the weekend. I'll be keeping

I don't believe I said that Ronald Reagan launched "his presidential campaign" in Philadelphia, MS; those were your words, not mine. Nor did I say that Neshoba County was where he announced his candidacy for the office of president of the United States.

Yep. That shit's been going on for a while. I forget which state(s) permitted would-be voters to use a hunting license, but not a student ID. And why might they have done that? Well, probably because they made the assumption that hunters are more likely to vote Republican than college students.

I've tried, very hard, to avoid diagnosing and labeling him, but I'm simply finding that I no longer can do that.

Yeah, I read What's The Matter With Kansas? when it was first published. It boggles the mind, the way ordinary folk will knock each other down, to get to the voting booth, where they can vote against their own interests.

ADDENDUM: It doesn't look as though this will necessarily make any difference in the presidential race, but in related news, a Kansas judge, on Friday, ruled that 17,500 suspended voters can cast ballots in all races. Evidently, there had been some question as to whether or not those voters' votes in the state and

And do any of us really have to wonder what this shit was all about? In one of those articles I linked above / below, there is information indicating that the N.C. legislature took to dreaming up their new restrictions within days of that Supreme Court decision, the one which struck down a portion of the Voting Rights

You're absolutely right. Also, Trump would have to actually have a worldview in order to articulate one, and, as yet, I've seen not a shred of evidence that he does. His campaign has been all about bluster and self-promotion, and I can hardly wait to watch Clinton mop the floor with him in the debates …. If he shows

They sure were, and the fact that both Wisconsin and N.C. might turn out to be battleground states this year, makes those decisions just that much more important.

LOL. Oh, thanks for that! I needed a good laugh. Spinal Tap's Stonehenge …. I can't even think about it without laughing.

Yeah, maybe they've proclaimed a "reverence" for the armed forces, but they're also the voters who've continued to elect and re-elect members of Congress who repeatedly fail when it comes to providing adequate funding for the needs of our servicemen and -women, and veterans.

Yeah, I know you're right. I've let the polls, and the doom and gloom reporting on the cable news networks, get to me, and on some days, my anxiety level is ratcheted up to 11, and threatening to blow up the amps.

In a huge win for civil-rights advocates, the U.S. Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals, on Friday,

Wow, Mythagoras … Way to harsh my "Good News!" vibe ;)

Number one is the best. It's tremendous.

You're right; his devoted supporters wouldn't care. But, like you, I keep hearing how close this election is likely to be. I keep hearing opinions on exactly which combination of battleground states Trump needs to win in order to win the election, etc. And I have to confess, all these reports have had my stomach in

And they're just so damned transparent; it would be hilarious, were this election not so deadly serious.

"Corinthians 2."

I might not have made the connection, but Rachel Maddow covered the story extensively on her Friday night show, when she noted that, in 1980, the Neshoba County fairgrounds, in Philadelphia, MS, is the site Ronald Reagan chose to launch his general election campaign, immediately following his nomination at that year's