Tippi St. Clair

So funny you should mention this tonight; I was just thinking, yesterday, "When is someone going to capture Donald Trump's '47 percent' moment and air it for all the world to see?"

Oops! I hadn't yet read your post, about the NFL story, and I posted about it, above (below?). Sorry!


Yep. On Friday, Trump tweeted, "Hillary and the Dems are trying to rig the debates ….", conveniently ignoring the facts that the debates are scheduled by a non-partisan commission, composed of Democrats and Republicans; that the commission created the debate schedule in September 2015, before the primaries even began;

Trump has claimed that he got a letter from the NFL saying that the debate schedule is ridiculous, but, on Saturday, an NFL spokesman issued a statement saying, "While we obviously wish the debate commission could find another night, we did not send a letter to Trump."

I haven't yet read all of the comments here, so I don't know if anyone else has addressed this, but …..

Oh, absolutely. And anyone who does't recognize that just hasn't been paying close-enough attention.

I'm sorry to hear that you're having computer issues! I bought a new computer in 2002, not long after my daughter left for college, and I kept that computer for …. wait for it …. 12 years! LOL. By the time I finally broke down and bought a new one, in 2014, I could barely keep a single window operating. The old one

Ahhhh …. I took your comment in the broader sense, i.e., referencing the hysterical demands, from Republicans, for B.O. to produce his birth certificate. Sorry! :/

That phony chuckle has always annoyed me. And yes, the enthusiasm I used to feel for her show has waned, considerably, over the last couple of years. For me, it used to be "appointment television." Now? Yeah, not so much. In years past, her show was filled-to-overflowing with hard-hitting reporting …. Now, it's just,


A couple of days ago, Melania's "professional" website disappeared — poof! — from the internet, after questions emerged about the veracity of her claims of a university degree.


I hope you're right.

I did not know that! Thanks for the info.!

I was so outraged, I had to change the channel. I was screaming at the TV, and afraid I might pop a cork. I wanted to punch Nicole Wallace in the face (not a novel sensation, for me) but I was particularly disappointed in — okay, disgusted by — the reaction of Rachel Maddow, and now, I don't know if I can, ever

Well, one of your theories, maybe! My record is positively atrocious, and I hold out little hope that it will improve, significantly, in the next season.