Tippi St. Clair

You made the right call.

See ya in the comments section, next season, where I'll be getting back to posting my latest cockamamie theory :)

I'm late to the party, here, but I just had to second your thoughts on The Catch. I was so looking forward to that show, but ugh … What a disappointment.

Yeah. I get that. I did a bit of research on the hymn yesterday and found out some things I hadn't previously known, among which is that it's a hymn that has been used, multiple times, in political conventions, so it seems that it's a bit of a tradition. And then, there's all the stuff about Lincoln / The Civil War,

Cut to the chase, Debby! Spit it out! Tick tock! We're burning daylight, here, and I'm not gettin' any younger!

A thousand upvotes for "the end is near for Pranjal!"

Thanks for the tip! I'm certainly willing to give that a try!

My enthusiasm is rapidly waning …..

Well, Jay S., my cable provider finally got the word that Jeopardy! will be on at 2:37 AM, Pacific time, through the convention, so at least my DVR is picking it up now, and I no longer have to guess when it's on. So there's that.

Yeah, I watched most of the speeches last night, and thought that they were mostly great.

Oh, gosh. I can only laugh at this:

Yeah, I, too, am the antithesis of "authoritarian." I don't want power or control over anyone. I enjoy a certain amount of social contact, have a few family members — my daughter, her husband & their little kids, my cousin, her husband, their son, his wife — and a handful of long-time friends, but I'm basically kind

"I remember Miriam Shor on TGW, but never saw Swingtown."

Why, yes …. I imagine things are hard to find!

I find it hard to believe that it hasn't done that already, with your, what is it? Ten thousand movies, 20,000 DVDs, etc.? And the seemingly extensive list of TV shows you follow? Talk about brain overload!

Nah, my sometimes copious use of the words "Jesus" and "god" is intended as mere, what's the word? … expletive? invective? interjection intended to convey outrage or exasperation? Yeah, one — or all — of those. My dad used "Jesus" a lot: "Jesus, Tippi, why aren't you done mowing the lawn yet? I could've had it done in

Yeah, the Cameron character is my least favorite on H&CF, but she, and the whole show, got way better in S2. Additionally, they began to highlight the character of Donna, Gordon's wife, and I really like both the character and the actress, Kerry Bishe (would like to put an accent mark over the "e" in her name, but I

Yes, my fancy set was actually two separate items. The Hobbit came as a single book, hardbound in something resembling grained leather, in dark green, with gold-leaf lettering, and it was in its own box, which matched the cover of the book.