Tippi St. Clair

Oh, she did? I just quickly scanned the main categories and, evidently, missed that! I'll have to go back and do a more thorough job of perusing the list. Yay! She got nominated!

Yay! The Americans!

Thanks for the link. Very interesting — and encouraging — piece.

Yes, he does have a sense of humor. Additionally, he is an unfailingly gracious man.

Just thinking about that revolting con-artist sends my blood pressure soaring.

Oh, he really is. Actually, I don't much care for the game itself, but with Sajak, I find it unwatchable.

Oh, wow. Thanks for the link. I'm gonna read that tomorrow.

The terrific Rachel Bloom won the Golden Globe for Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, and I've got my fingers crossed that both she and the show pick up Emmy nominations.

A while back, I read a big article about the whole affair. Jesus, was it ever a skin-crawling, distasteful read. Ew.

Better Call Saul won't be back 'til spring-ish of next year. The wait is going to be excruciating.

Halt & Catch Fire on Aug. 23, You're The Worst on Aug. 31, and Crazy Ex-GF on Oct. 21.

You're The Worst returns on Aug. 31. Don't know when Rectify returns.

And worse, still: Wheel is Wheel. ;)

Yep. It's a damned shame he never learned to put a lid on that flagrant, unbridled enthusiasm.

As soon as the category was revealed, I spontaneously said, "Barone." Heh.

Listening to him speechifying, earlier today, it occurred to me — and not for the first time — that he is absolutely terrible with a teleprompter, and that every single word that came out of his mouth sounded contrived. But, upon further reflection, I've decided that the contrived nature of all of his sweeping


Or demawaltongoggins, perhaps?

As the airing of the interview kicked off, I, actually, was prepared to feel a bit of sympathy for him …. Not for long. He entered douche-mode pretty much instantly, and remained there throughout the interview. He seemed to be trying to project an air of "elder statesman," but he succeeded only in coming off as

And why are they calling Walton Goggins "Walter Goggins"?