Tippi St. Clair

I thought he came off like a colossal douchebag in that interview. I wanted to punch him in the face.


Really? It's on ABC for me. Los Angeles affiliate. It's been on ABC for as many years as I can remember.

Oh, yeah, I didn't mean to imply that there aren't aren't any positive representations of California. I think it was very late at night when I left that post, and my brain had all but shut down for the evening, but I'd have had to have been comatose not to immediately have thought of the Real Housewives O.C. franchise

So I decided to give The Tunnel another whirl tonight, and I decided to try it without the closed captioning, and what I found is that I did pretty well in understanding the dialogue of the British actors, especially when they were facing the camera and I could see their lips as they spoke. So I stopped and put the

Do you think it's that people love violence and death, or that people feel rage, and powerlessness, and desperation, and a hunger for justice?

Yep. I'm afraid you're right about that.

I'm not sure that the threat of execution does deter desperate acts of violence, particularly violence of the sort that happened in Dallas last night. I suspect that people like last night's shooter are entirely prepared to die, and, in fact, that many of them expect to die. I think execution primarily satisfies the

Amen to all that.

Absolutely! In fact, I was afraid Matt was gonna whip up on the olds, but I guess I should have had more faith, should have been slower to judge a book (Bonnie) by its cover.

Thanks, Evil Lincoln! :)

Yeah, you're probably right about that. Well, as I noted above, they are in Texas, so I suspect it won't be long before their wish is fulfilled.


Worst: Real Housewives of Orange County. It's an embarrassment.

Oh, okay …. Thanks for the info.!

Yeah, I'm sure that one of the big reasons I'm so attached to that show is the fact that I grew up during the era in which the show takes place. In the same vein, one of my top two or three films of all time is Almost Famous, because, again, it is the music and the milieu of my youth, and Cameron Crowe absolutely

One of the problems, when it comes to recruiting police officers is that, all too frequently, you get the kind of folks who, if they wash out of the P.D. vetting / hiring process, they become bank robbers. Law enforcement is a profession that attracts a lot of good guys, but it also attracts psychopaths who are

A few minutes ago, I heard, on MSNBC, that a woman is in custody. Have you heard anything about that?

Actually, I guessed Futurama, never having seen either that or …. what was the correct reply? Battlestar Gallactica? I've never watched either one of them, so I was pretty pleased with myself that I managed to come up with any answer at all.

I like your answer, too.