Tippi St. Clair

I've been trying to watch The Tunnel (I very much enjoyed The Bridge), but I'm finding the process goddamned exhausting.

A stupid pop culture website from which you don't seem to be able to tear yourself away.

I said legs and torso, but what I was really thinking was lumps and tummy, because I am a 60-year-old couch sitter ;)

Well …. You do excel at run-on sentences.

The guy annoyed the shit out of me, to the point where, by the middle of the first round, I had my finger on the "delete" button.

Earlier tonight, Lawrence O'Donnell had some Republican strategist on his show, and the strategist described Trump as "undisciplined" (ya think?) and having "the attention span of a gnat on meth." LOL.

Trump has all these little side-skirmishes and petty squabbles going on, and he just seems powerless to tear himself away in order to address the story of the moment. He did the same thing a couple of weeks ago; HC already had pivoted toward the general election, and Trump was using his air time, at his televised

Yep. Legs and torso was my guess, as well.

I got the bark beetle one, too. Thank you, bark beetles, for having infested two of my 25-foot pine trees, forcing me to pay through the nose to have them cut down and removed from my property!

Knowledge of literature and douchebag.

The "Johnny Applesauce" reply put me in mind of the time MSNBC's Chris Hayes, while reporting on Bernie Sanders, mistakenly called him "Bernie Sandwiches." Following that incident, Colbert did a hilarious bit about it on The Late Show.

Yeah, I knew FJ immediately, and I got the two that stumped all of the contestants, i.e., Frankie & Johnny and Clark Gable. However, I didn't do very well, overall, in last night's game, so I guess I'll have to content myself with savoring my little victories.

Yeah, it seemed like everything anyone needed to know, in order to make an educated guess, was right in the clue, UNICEF: United Nations International Children's Fund.

I was surprised when Justin didn't know it. I thought it was a ridiculously easy FJ, actually more appropriate for a $400 clue.

When my daughter was young and still lived at home, we had a rule: We had to wait to answer until Alex was done reading the clue aloud. Of course, now, even when I'm watching with other people, I find it impossible to do otherwise. Oof.

I thought the same thing, at first, but then I looked a little more closely and I think Trebek's shirt was white with a narrow blue stripe.

I loved Swingtown! So sad when it didn't get a second season. It was the perfect summer soap.

Wish I could upvote this a thousand times :)

Thank you for actually replying to my questions.

I wrote a novella because you seem to be incapable of answering even the simplest of questions. And, yeah. Nice try. You do seem adept at deflection, but, again, I'm still awaiting your purported documentation in support of your assertions, but I'm getting nothing but crickets.