Tippi St. Clair


Fuck Steve Harvey. He's a fucking douche.

The Sneetches. It's the best.

You're missing out on two of the more delightful shows out there these days. So hop on it! Time to catch up! ;)

Yay, Baskets! Yay, You're the Worst!

^^^^^^ This. Wow. Thank you for your most excellent diatribe, in which you articulated any number of the thoughts I've ever had about both Trump and Palin.

I think it was the only one I got right in that category! And I don't know shit about the Inquisition.

Yep. Too many breaks, too much damned chit-chat for my liking. At this point, I'm finding it fairly tedious to sit through. Took me three days to get through the first episode and there are still two more episodes on the DVR. Good grief.

Ah, okay. To tell you the truth, I don't even remember her. Sometimes I listen / play along from the kitchen, so I'm not actually *watching* the screen; therefore, the particulars of the contestants frequently escape my notice.

I always turn it off after FJ is over, too, so I missed the crying contestant. Why was she crying? Do you think she was upset at her performance, or just relieved that it was over?

*I* said "oater"! Happy to hear I'm in good company.

I'm old, so I know the term "horse opera," but in the game, I could only come up with "oater," probably because "oater" had cropped up in a crossword puzzle I did recently. "Oater" is a word pretty frequently used in crossword puzzles. "Horse opera"? Not so much ;)

I wonder if Elizabeth simply dropped her guard and allowed herself to get swept up in Young Hee and her family. I think that, in her relationship with Young Hee, Elizabeth caught a glimpse of what it might be like to *have* an actual friend, and she liked it more than she expected to.

Still one of my favorite BrBa scenes *ever.* OMG, poor Jesse!

LOL. Yeah. Paige was losing her shit, but Elizabeth mysteriously managed to remain pretty cool and clear-headed, didn't she? :)

Or perhaps Pastor Tim is — all of that Jesus stuff aside — astute enough to recognize that, sometimes, the best approach is to hit someone where they live. I mean, surely he's aware, in that scene, that he's unlikely to turn Elizabeth from godless Commie spy into Jesus-loving Christian convert in a matter of seconds,

I saw that story on Rachel Maddow's show last night. Good grief.

Cans of that runny, greasy Campbell's original chicken-noodle soup. Processed American "cheese" on Wonder Bread. Spaghetti-Os. Good grief.

No, but, as I posted above, Elizabeth can always fall back on, "Well, in our *training,* we learned self-defense, but I've never had to employ any of those tactics until now. Thank goodness I was able to recall everything I learned or we might have been killed." I mean, yes, Philip and Elizabeth have told Paige that

It *could* re-open that can of worms, but I'm thinking that Elizabeth can always tell Paige that yes, of *course* she and Philip were *trained* in self-defense tactics, but she's never had to put that training to use until now. "Thank goodness my instincts kicked in or heaven only knows what might have happened to us."