Tippi St. Clair

My parents both grew up during the Depression, as well, but by the time I came along, no one was worrying about where their next meal was coming from. My dad was xxxxxxx so, while we weren't exactly rolling in dough, we were probably what I would call somewhere between middle- and upper middle-class, as well.

I shudder to think of the way most of us ate in the 60s, 70s, etc. At my house, it was Wonder Bread, Minute Rice, and scalloped potatoes loaded with whole milk and a couple pounds of butter. Oof. And I guess the only thing I found surprising in that scene was the fact that Elizabeth actually had wheat bread on-hand to

When my daughter was a teenager, she took up with a boy who was deep, deeeeeeep, into his evangelical Christian faith, and my daughter started going to church with him, which sent me into silent fits of exasperation and distress, and, one day, she turned up with a gift her boyfriend had given her: a pink bible with

Nah. The LOST dig was well-earned, IMHO. That series finale was such a disappointment.

Yeah, I love AP and loved her character on The Good Wife. I just felt as though the writers never really figured out what to do with Kalinda. Their "Kalinda vs. her psycho-thug ex-husband" plotline certainly fell flat.

I'm embarrassed to confess that I did the same thing …. whiffed it on every. single. one. But then, I *never* do well in the Stupid Answers category. Never. And every time that category turns up on Jeopardy, I'm like, "Awwww, no. Not again," because I immediately recognize that I'm going to spend at least part of the

Oh, I didn't know about the real-life Alicia Witt / Ben Folds pairing, but you're right … that makes sense.

OMG, I cannot *stand* the Alicia Witt / Autumn character and I'm still having trouble figuring out why in the world they cast Witt in the first place. I don't know the woman, and I'm sure she's a perfectly nice gal, but I've just never warmed up to her. I hated her on Law & Order: Criminal Intent. She and Chris Noth

A final thought: It was *so* worth sitting through four seasons of Nashville, if only to hear Scarlett and Gunnar sing "If I Didn't Know Better." Oof. That song.

Aw, I like Hayden Panettiere, but I have to say that I think most of the characters on Nashville have suffered from the writers' evident lack of imagination. I mean, how many times can we watch Deacon confront a crisis and tumble off the wagon before we go, "Aw, shit, man. Not *again*!"

Note: Ray Stevens was best known for his humorous tunes, but he actually did a superb version of the song "Misty." Beautiful.

And I hollered up at Ethel, I said, "Don't look, Ethel!" But it was too late. She'd already got a free shot.

Yep. So many of the episodes and clips I saved on my DVR were from the last presidential election. There was one hilarious bit where Samantha Bee and Jessica Williams and other TDS correspondents traveled to *Tampa* for the Republican Convention, and OMG, it was nuts. They approached Mitt Romney supporters at the

Yeah, I'm not typically one to jump into a series mid-stream, but thought I'd give it a look. But if TBS is running all of the episodes on Monday, I'll just DVR it and watch it from the start. Thank you *so much* for the heads-up! Heaven knows, I'd never have noticed it. I've gotten so lazy, in this DVR-centric world.

Oh, wow. Thanks for the exposition. I hadn't heard about it, or maybe I did and figured it would be just another unwatchable comedy. I'm not sure.

What is this Detour you're talking about? I've seen it referenced several times here recently.

I guessed Ohio, too.

"Green Acres"
What is "Petticoat Junction"?

Yeah, if the next season is anything like the first, I think you'll enjoy it.

Absolutely. And with the regular PR series, if the designers are "bad," at least it's a new variation of bad. With these All-Stars shows, it's just the same ol' bad we've already seen, in past seasons of PR.