
Well, now that he won’t be president, he obviously needed to find a way to walk back his grandstanding.

I know all that.

Still not worth 3 freaking billion dollars....

Can we delay this til after the elections too?

So, he sells his shares...to use the money to pay off the massive fine. Ok. He is no longer in control of it.

Money laundering and a way for foreign entities to funnel money to our criminal former president.


You guys harp a lot on the Tanned Tantrum, but for some reason the business world can’t get enough of the clown.

These rich fucks just don’t learn, do they?

“Special Purpose Acquisition Companies” are a special feature of late-stage Capitalism, and part of the Private Equity bag of tricks for extracting blood from a stone. You create a company with no actual business, but sell shares in it none the less. You use the money from selling the shares to buy something. If you

They obviously should have told everyone it was for a monorail 

How on god’s green Earth is it worth so much?

Great, now the space trash is literally spying on us.

Uber CEO compensation last year: $24.3 million

The can’t tug thing seems like an incredible safety hazard to me. What if you’re towing something heavy up a hill and it decides “nah, not fighting that bro”?

Thank God he didn’t have a bomb up his ass!

It’s like COVID. No one wants to be the entity that was perceived as not doing enough. The shoe bomber guy, one person and unsuccessful at that, created this shoe-off nonsense. Buy hey, can’t be seen as not going the extra, extra mile.

In the past, the advice to passengers in a hijacking scenario was to sit tight and comply with the hijackers’ instructions. By and large, until 9/11, that advice had worked. Some hijackings had resulted in the deaths of a few passengers but the overwhelming majority of aircraft passengers had survived hijacking

The TSA is designed to be noticeable, intrusive, and cumbersome, as a feature and not a bug. If it ain’t creating a whole hassle, then how will the public NOTICE the government is DOING SOMETHING about that terrorism stuff? It is pure theater like that. It is meant to be in your face, and down your pants, by design.

“A x B x C = X. If X is less than the cost of a recall, we don’t do one.”

I think what he’s saying is in the last line of his claim: “And even then, they had to feed the tool portions of the very articles they sought to elicit verbatim passages of, virtually all of which already appear on multiple public websites.”