
The outlet says that the scheme actually worked, and roughly $650,000 worth of NFTs nothing of value was stolen from unsuspecting victims.

This just sounds like normal crypto things, are they sure it was a hack?

I think that’s the case with a lot of genre franchises and no amount of worldbuilding can fix it. You can see that going on now with Star Wars, which just can’t quit the Empire as bad guys even though just about every angle has been exhausted.

I do think HP has quite weak world building in general, but I also think there exists enough for at least a Marauders movie, and maybe a sequel. In fact, even the first FB movie would be just fine if adjusted to be a standalone, and not a Grindelwald/Dumbledore origin series. But even so, they still suffer from having

Most specifically, The Hobbit always seemed perfect for a one or two season television adaptation. The problem with turning it into three films was never that there wasn’t enough stuff to fill out three films, but that The Hobbit isn’t easily divided into three (or even two) nice filmic chunks, but into more like a

The trick is that there really *wasn’t* enough world building to potentially tell more stories. Every attempt to expand the scope of the “Wizarding World” beyond the story told in the seven Harry Potter books reveals that the constructed world really only makes sense to support that one story. It all starts falling

The thing about LotR is that it’s a great story with a fantastic, incredibly detailed setting, but Hobbit aside, not much else is that interesting about Middle-earth. There’s a reason why most readers tend to love LotR but not The Silmarillion or the many unfinished tales — they’re just not as compelling or

Oh David, David, David... read the room buddy, I’m begging you.

Gentlemen! Let's broaden our minds!

How the fuck do you protect yourself during an invasion if not through warfare?

Yeah, stop murdering children, and release the ones you’ve kidnapped.

Fuck musk, but also fuck Isaacson for keeping this newsworthy information from the public so that he could profit off putting it in his book.

Quick! I’m not being hated or losing value fast enough! Turn off Ukraine’s satellites!”

This is probably to distract from him wimping out on the Zuck fight.

He won’t. All talk. He is not batting well in the courts these days.

Do it, Elon. I dare you. I double dog dare you.

Can’t imagine this lawsuit has any purpose other than to expose to Elon how the ADL tabulated its data (sources, metrics, methods, etc) so that he can build ways to game that data. Also can’t imagine he’d be willing to be deposed, for it, so here’s hoping the ADL can either get him deposed or can keep a meaningful

Not even “Home Alone 2", in which he gives Kevin the wrong directions to the front desk of a hotel he owned.

Promises made, promises kept. donald trump.

Just have to take a look at how much money they were given for exploring the ideas. Then they look at how much money it would actually cost to do business in the US vs their profit margins and they make the easy decision to back out. Sounds like TSMC is having similar issues in AZ.