
Yup. Scariff has beautiful beaches as long as there isn’t a battle going on.

Yup. Scariff has beautiful beaches as long as there isn’t a battle going on.

Nor did The Phantom Menace to begin with.

It’s an odd location for Lego’s Star Wars brand to hold a beach party, especially since half of the Star Wars galaxy seems to be made up of sand planets

Eh, this song doesn’t hold a candle to The Saga Begins.

Imagine if candidates or presidents could be held accountable for spouting constant damaging and unsubstantiated nonsense.

That won’t work you know..

WB thinks it knows the viewers want.. but the issue is they don’t.. Almost every successful movie they have made was done through good writers/directors/producers that were allowed to DO their movie properly.. and almost all flops (or near flops) was when management interviened to inject what

Because Marvel understands that their greatest asset is the universe concept. It’s not one actor, or one character, or one team. It’s the means by which the larger ongoing saga is transmitted via movies and now TV shows. There are people who will watch Ms. Marvel and She-Hulk just to see how they fit into the larger

This is why I always carry an umbrella.

Video? No, thanks. Regarding the headline, my thinking is, if he waits a little longer he won’t need to.

I love a good, “it’s perfectly legal so it’s ok” response when someone is doing something morally wrong. As if slavery or making people work 6 days a week for gift cards wasn’t perfectly legal.

The spokesperson went on: “To be clear, owning a media organization is not and has never been a crime.

Not totally shocked, considering the reason we get packages 7 days a week now from USPS is due to Amazon getting them to do it for their parcels. But it still feels wrong, even if there could be benefits for other citizens. 

Unrelated: I started watching Star Trek Discovery and have mostly caught up, and I found it hilarious how much Michelle Yeoh had to downplay her martial arts abilities for that show. I could almost hear the stunt coordinators yelling, “Slow down, Michelle! You’re not supposed to be stronger and faster than the

When your only two defenses are stupid or criminal, choose stupid.

Is Musk’s lawyer saying “My client is a moron who doesn’t understand the consequences of his actions”? Because it really seems like that’s what they’re saying.

Musk has argued that the prevalence of automated accounts on the social network has soured his desire to purchase it.

Isn’t aiding an abetting crime a rite of passage for social media? Sure, this is minor league stuff compared to Facebook being instrumental in the Rohingya genocide, but I’m sure Twitter will get the call to the big leagues any day now.

One of the worst weapons on earth is a billionaire’s ego.

Only if he stops being a megalomaniac and general asshole. We all know that ain’t happening.