
That's probably the truth of it.

In the 90's McDonald’s tested a central call center (I think it was in Colorado) to take drive thru orders and then relay it back to the restaurant. You know when everyone was sending phone support to India. Costs to maintain and usage was greater than hiring another teen to work in the restaurant.  This looks the

How the story reads is ElevenLabs was caught flatfooted and is scrambling to limit the damages it’s causing. Honestly, impersonations are nothing new, nor is slander and forgery.  

Unintended consequences. Tech companies in a rush to get a program out before the competition without understanding human behavior.

Dr. Katherine Pulaski, who states that Data, while he does have good deductive reasoning, like Holmes, he doesn’t understand the Human soul, unlike Holmes, and so is incapable of solving a Holmes mystery of which he doesn’t already know the answer.

That's a good point.

And wow! Hey! What’s this thing suddenly coming towards me very fast? Very very fast. So big and flat and round, it needs a big wide sounding name like … ow … ound … round … ground! That’s it! That’s a good name – ground.

That’s probably who they are targeting, and cruise ships. Doubt many movie theaters will want to invest is the costs associated with that.

Its always the user never the device.

That was just one example,. I’m not going to debate and fight you since you have your mind fixed. And that lies the issue. No conversation only bickering.

Have you not been paying attention? Ron literally passed a bill call “Do Not Say Gay“. That’s an attack on free speach. Yes he wants to micro manage Disney to like he’s the Chairman of the board. Yes Republicans live censorship and Joe was attempting to appease them. 

February Christmas 💕

To the republicans credit, I would never had known Chrissy Teigen Calling Donald a ‘Pussy Ass Bitch’ if it wasn’t for the snowflakes hearing.

Ron DeSantisis all over that. Republicans are starting to love Big Government regulations and mico managing private companies. Now it has Joe Biden support. See the President is reaching across the aisle.

Twitter was created for short blast announcements, advertisements. It wasn’t ment to post endless ramblings.  That's what Facebook is for.


If China would have reached out to tell the Americas that their balloons were heading our direction things wouldn’t be so laughable.

It was to taunt the Canada & USA and apparently Central America. There was a balloon over Costa Rica.
