
Cnbc and Bloomberg always have had a 15 min delay on their tickertapes.

This is nothing new for Southwest.  If you've been around the last day 10 years...SW has always had trouble resuming schedules after every disaster.  Weather it be hurricans or winter, be sure to pack a pillow for sleeping at the airport.

Stock market trackers have a 15 minute delay.  Are you saying Elon is more important than Wall Street?

I was going to nominate Harvey Weinstein, but his hands might be cuffed.

I like James as a person, but in all honesty he's had one good movie for Disney and one good movie for Warners.  Both of those companies are being a bit silly giving James so much power.

Elon is excited for the publicity. If he can keep his name in the news every hour he’s like a boy on Christmas.

Never look a gift horse in the ass.

How about SpaceX astronauts?  Are they not on private aircrafts?  Should they be allowed to be traced by the public?

Im still amazed that the USA Government practically funded all of SpaceX, defunded NASA, and no other private space program exist in the world. It’s boggling.

Some of my friends will be all over that.  With Apple Music catalog, it's going to be an impressive library.

Targeted ads from data collection has always been a farce.  Stalking ads are more successful.  Still don't see many ads that make me feel like the site knows anything about what I 👍.

All animals are equal but some are more equal than others

Yes, movie was entertaining, but didn’t justify the huge budget costs. Epecially when every reviewers favorite scene was post credit.

Wonder if Barack Obama birth certificate is in those files.🤔

Its happening 7 year’s earlier than I expected. Elon has gone insane. Poor guy. There is a chance this is another bs stunt. Fingers crossed.

Noe that is how is should be. Aircrafts and large transportation are better suited for hydrogen than ultra rare metal in huge short life batteries.

Strange that this was an issue.  Apparently the court in new to The United States.  Radio Personalities flat out lie all the time.  It's as real as Star Wars, just pure entertainment.

From the commercials I saw. It looks like a weird Lost in Space film.  Which was already done.  Nothing of it looks fun or funny.  Maybe I'll skim through it on Disney+ sometime.

It is heartbreaking when a God ignores your hard work. Yet, they’ll keep at it to get his attention; including storming the Capital Building.

Nor went well for Boeing when they sold essential safety features as extras on 737 Max.