
then the amazing action sequence which you aren’t expecting

I applaud whomever the voice actor is

Now that would be an excellent turn of events.

Please be Hondo, please be Hondo, please be Hondo, please be Hondo ...

There was not a single pixel in this that was not infused with complete and total win.

This new series needs to be about new people and not the old ones, time to move on (one of the joys of Rogue 1).

I think Yo-Yo ran into Squid-ward (Hive), but not the original.

Captain Lance from Arrow can relate. Though not quite to that level....

Can’t wait until May LMD dies and everyone has to go through the grieving process only for her to miraculously show up alive, but then that be an LMD too, and then for that one to die, only for her to miraculously show up alive, but then that be an LMD too, and then for that one to die, only for her to miraculously

I think it’s safe to say that the original Nick Fury had an LMD addiction. Or rather, Marvel had a Nick Fury LMD addiction

Looks like R2 is trundling along at start of that Rebels clip. Coulda come help them R2!

True, but I’ve actually got a leaked screenshot for Ignis’ DLC.

And, of course, the original design inspiration for the Hammerheads goes all the way back to 2003's KotOR! (My second-favourite Star Wars game.) I think there’s a version of the design that even more closely resembles the ships from Rebels in The Old Republic MMO, but I haven’t spent much time with that game, so I

When Ignis botches a cup of noodles recipe in Altissia!?

The original GameBoy is small enough to house a Raspberry Pi 3. Would be fairly easy to do this yourself with a little tinker work.

Can ya tell me how to move past it? Because I’m still kind of there.

DiscreTion. Dumbass.

And it says so in the article.

Dude.... Sarah, Ash, Gates, and Slone are all women! Did we play the same game? lol

Two of the boss mercs are women. The Maurader Corps commander is a woman. She leads good guys in the big battle at the end.