
I barely skimmed the review, because even though it is spoiler-free, I don’t want to be preemptively disappointed in something when I shouldn’t be (or the inverse). That said, I appreciated the admittance of bias. Critics who aren’t as invested in the SW universe will find things to nitpick, and so will SW fans, but

“It’s a trap!”

Good point. I would say Suicide Squad tried to jock the whole GOTG vibe (not that there’s anything inherently wrong with that, but it’s not as if it was completely original), and it gained traction from the fact there was a little groundwork laid with the Arrowverse. I’m not sure when Suicide Squad was “birthed,” so

Say what you will about Marvel, but it’ll be a cold day in hell when WB/DC manages to take a largely obscure series like GOTG and turn it into a successful movie. I know some people here were a fan of Dawn of Justice, and that’s fine; and sure, it made more money than GOTG. But when WB/DC struggles to make Batman and

“Also, Bulma left him for Vegeta which you just can’t come back from...”

“And I am 100% with you on that. What I don’t like is the rabid fan base that treats all criticism as stupid, ininformed, and/or useless. People seem to have this idea that criticism is a bad thing when it can be what you need most. Imagine if George Lucas had taken all of the legitimate critiques of Episode 1 into

Haha. I got that. But nevermind. I shouldn’t have even commented. I was in an overly pedantic mood earlier. My apologies!

Honest question: how is this the most *logical*?

Also, I just used an emoticon in public. Lord, forgive me. (I wanted to make sure you knew I was being snarky, not mean, but still...)

I was a bit confused by your usage of “No one” in the context of “No one is going to buy it...” Especially after you later say the sales will be terrible in the first few months (which implies SOMEONE will buy it before Christmas 2017/before 8-9 months). Just confusing wording is all; trying to figure out which way

“No one.”

Two months later...

That said, I think there’s going to be a lot to the movie that will surprise us. Whether it has to do with Saw, Jedha, or really, what happens to the Rebels in the end. I don’t think they’d make a movie like this only to make it THAT predictable. I have too much faith in the creative team behind this...

I feel bad, because when I commented, no one else had. Then I remembered - wait. It’s io9. You’re going to have hundreds of people saying the same thing.

“Many Bothans will die to bring the Rebels this information...”

This has been fairly common knowledge for a while now. Since August of last year. Not saying you’re wrong for avoiding the spoilers, but that’s a healthy amount of determination on your part! Sorry it had to be spoiled for you like this.

I would strongly suggest reading Tarkin and Catalyst. Luceno does a great job explaining this. Long story short, Tarkin made a friend with Palpatine early on, and he’s worked his way up, so to speak.... Minus a bunch of details, of course. :)

I’m praying Stephen Stanton does the voice acting. Not only is he doing a great job on Rebels, but he is an amazing person to boot. About a month ago, I made a random comment on Twitter about asking my wife for the Clone Wars record on vinyl, and a few days later, he sent it out to me SIGNED, along with several photos

Definitely do it. I enjoyed “Tarkin” quite a bit, and I think Luceno does a great job with dialogue and character development. It isn’t like “Aftermath” where Wendig throws a new character/race at you every other page. I’ll say I was excited for Rogue One (very excited, even) but the novel has made me even more

Trent - what he said. But still, would recommend reading Catalyst. Despite what io9's review may have said, plenty of people have enjoyed the novel. Luceno does a great job with the material he is given.