Never saw the appeal of these over a contemporary Mercedes 300 D wagon. I mean, look at it. And (if you manage to find one) it´s cheaper too.
Never saw the appeal of these over a contemporary Mercedes 300 D wagon. I mean, look at it. And (if you manage to find one) it´s cheaper too.
Ah well then, I stand corrected. It indeed seems to be bigger, badder, faster, stronger.
Isn´t this exactly that? The t-tail and cabin seem to be directly taken from the DA20...seems to be the exact same airframe.
That long nose kinda reminds me of the Pilatus PC-6. And it has the body of a Diamond Eclipse. Which is not a bad thing, at all...
"For example, here in the US, many register their car at their parents/friends address in X state (which is much cheaper) while living and driving in Y state which is more expensive in terms of tax/registration and insurance."
Nope, illegal. You need prove that you actually live in Romania. Also, if the (Dutch) government suspects you of doing this (and believe me, they´ll find out), you´re fucked...they´ll jail you for tax evasion.
Even worse, Hyundai is uniquely sensitive to the Russian ruble which, last I checked, has a value hovering somewhere around two mismatched buttons.
Just make sure you´re able to fill her up in Belgium/Germany and you´ll be fine...
Haha, let's all buy houses in the homeland of the late Comrade Nicolae Ceausescu (RIP).
I absolutely agree with you. It can be done. In fact, it is done. A large number of Dutch people who own Ferrari's etc drive around in German plates. But all I'm trying to say is that (for regular people) it is not really worth the hassle. Since, for regular people, the benefits do not weigh against the disadvantages.…
Unfortunately it's not that easy. It becomes a technical nightmare with all kinds of stuff. For instance, (later in your life) it wont be possible for you to claim a state pension in the Netherlands, since you technically live in Romania. That alone makes it unprofitable to 'move' to Romania.
This can be done. But its really risky. If the police stops you once, and they see that you drive a foreign car but have a Dutch license, they will let customs investigate you. You'll risk a huge fine (+ maybe even jailtime) for tax evasion.
Because I don't live in Romania.
It's because the 5.0 V8 is a big gas guzzling engine, which emits a lot of CO2 into the air (as opposed to the more evironment friendly EcoBoost). That's why the v8 gets a 'penalty' in the form of a price hike. The Dutch government does this to discourage people from buying the v8...
Haha, 1.42 right now!! We beat you.....oh right :(
That's madness. Finland FTW. I'm curious, how much does a litre unleaded cost (euro 95) in Finland?
Yes there is a key difference though. The car prices in the EU are highly dependend on each individual country. The prices in Germany are a lot lower than in the Netherlands. That same M4 starts at 105.000 euro ($121.000) in the Netherlands....Do you see the insanity of Dutch car prices.
Ah je hebt het perfect uitgelegd. Mijn vader heeft namelijk al meerdere keren in het verleden een auto ingevoerd. Voor veel auto´s blijft het de moeite waard om te importeren uit Duitsland. Dat mijn ouders ongeveer 16km van de Duitse grens wonen speelt uiteraard ook mee. Vandaar dat ik dacht dat het een vooral kwestie…
True, but.....waarom praten wij Engels haha. Is het niet zo dat de hoogte van de BPM tevens wordt bepaald door de netto catalogusprijs, de leeftijd en de opties die je ingevoerde auto heeft?