1.4 litre Golf mk5 with a whopping 75HP....61-70% Jalop
1.4 litre Golf mk5 with a whopping 75HP....61-70% Jalop
Yes....quite possibly...
Those goddamn terrorist truck tires need to be stopped!! #JeSuisGoodyear
These goddamn extremist truck tires need to stop ruining the image of all modest car tires!! #JeSuisGoodyear
I suspect bad-/overloading and a general high center of gravity... These RORO ships capsize so much you´d think they are part submarine.
I dont know why, but at first glance I seriously thought that this was a pre-facelift E class. Especially combined with the first sentence ´Last month in America, Mercedes-Benz sold 5,119 copies of their E-Class sedan, according toGoodCarBadCar.´
Jesus, that´s one tough truck. The semi´s bumper barely has a scratch while the minivan is absolutely destroyed. Talk about a crumple zone....
Yellow Headlights ftw
Exactly, in more ways than one. The actual hardware costs money but also the whole developmentprocess. But I guess these people gladly pay for these gimmicks. I bet you though, when it breaks and the dealer charges them 2000 dollar just to change the rearview mirror they wont be laughing....
LOL. C´mon man, no need for these petty insults. I´d like to think that we´re better than that.
Yes, why would you want to design a camera, a lcd screen which can fit in the rear view mirror. You need to have a connection between these 2, software and a computer to display everything correctly, an electric feed. You need to design the bumper where the camera is placed so that the camera doesn't get dirty/is hit…
As an engineering student studying in the Netherlands, I have this to my disposal. No heated seats or anything else ;p
Yes, all b*llshit. At least imo. I mean, ABS, ESP etc are genuine additions which save lives. However, I really do not see the use of a Backup camera or even Power windows for that matter, and I´d gladly buy a car which doesn´t have these items....
If it makes a car needlessly complicated for a relatively small gain, then absolutely yes.
Yeah exactly, you´re spot on. MB made an all electric B class with Tesla's assistence not so long ago. And I think the Model S also shares a few (interior)parts with the E class . But, like you said, I guess Daimler thought it was time to move on. And it turned out to be the right decision too (at least for now)...
Wow...Did Mercedes and Toyota see this one coming when they dumped all their stocks not to long ago. They sure got out right time.
Yes to all your questions...
Tastes differ, my good ´ol German Cousin. I for one totally dig it...
Damn, a street legal FXX. Honestly, that´s way to much car for me ( I DD a 55KW 1.4Golf 5). I´d wrap it around a tree within 10 minutes. Would probably do the same with the Enzo, but whatevs
I remember you commented ( a while back) that if Mercedes actually sold the CLA shooting brake you´d actually buy. Well here´s your chance compadre...