
“Even if theoretically surviving a single nuclear explosion, there is likely not going to be ‘just one.’ Like a radioactive Lay’s potato chip, no nation can eat it just once.”

If it’s bigger than your thumb, as I learned from video games!

“Well, I don’t want to be responsible for all these kids in a nuclear apocalypse!” 

If North Korea were “flattened” - what sword would be left for China to die on? What would be the point? 

iirc that was more of a morale (and pessimistically publicity) stunt, as he didn’t fly anywhere near an ISIS zone. Nor would it make sense to risk him like that, of course, but he’s certainly not taking the same risk as regular pilots.

Exploded sarin is destroyed, not weaponized...

Apparently the Russians are claiming to have knocked some down? Some twittering about 70 or so being launched, 59 getting through. That would be a pretty good penetration rate with Russias most advanced S400 there...

Now playing

The bloodborne hunter one could almost be Lady Maria with the right weapon. Best boss fight.

Tried it, it’s a horrible razor. Blade spacing makes it clog up and tug with every pass, even fresh. 

Tried it, it’s a horrible razor. Blade spacing makes it clog up and tug with every pass, even fresh. 

Yep, really want a what-if machine to see where we would be today if this was chosen and finished. The x-35 was probably still the right choice, but still.

Everyone laughs but I’d love to see what a productionized version of that with RAM coatings would look like. The white fisher price scheme probably didn’t help its appeal, would look better already in the muted grey of RAM. In a what-if machine, at least, even if it had more issues than the X-35 in real life.

Literally just ordered the Soundbuds Sport two days ago, lol. Should be arriving today. Any point in sending them back and getting these instead, or are they just different categories?

Literally just ordered the Soundbuds Sport two days ago, lol. Should be arriving today. Any point in sending them

If you’re not ready to make the safety razor plunge, Gillette made a single blade razor for India that you can import here that I really like. One blade, no gunk strip, even an open comb, and safety more like cart razors than safety razors. Yeah it’s from big bad Gillette, but I’m sure they hate you buying their 4

If you’re not ready to make the safety razor plunge, Gillette made a single blade razor for India that you can

“Much like Steve Jobs, many people (myself included) find fan noise kind of annoying. I once drove a Bentley with the A/C on full and was shocked at how loud the blower was. Surely in a Bentley you’d think they’d pay attention to something like that, right? Apparently not.”

This always annoys me too, it was one of my

30 civilians dead, multiple members of the SEAL team that took down Bin Laden injured and one dead, and Spicer has the gall to say anyone suggesting it was botched is doing a disservice? Holy shit, fuck that guy, and they’re not even attempting to hide the war is peace bullshit.

“Some people have said the treble is too high—I didn’t find that at all. I did, however, find that the bass can be overwhelming sometimes,”

Thanks, just curious. Looks like it’s down to the Gripen NG or the latest F-16 block for the Indian single engine order of ~100, will be interesting. 

Same, drives me crazy. I think it’s that the controllers are on 2.4GHz, but even then it should be robust enough not to have so much interference.

I think it’s being on 2.4GHz for the controller lag, it’s a very crowded space. Microwaves make mine go crazy.

Yeah, they should at least have an option to turn off all that networking crap that’s probably slowing it down.