
Funny enough it's probably more capable than the Wii, but that isn't saying much. But each game would have far less storage to work with than the Wii.

No, you can't change the CPU or GPU, as they are all one chip, the SoC, integrated onto the mainboard. Changing that would mean you don't have an Ouya.

It won't match the PS360, I think the theoretical output of the GPU is about 1/10th them. Might be more capable than the Wii, but with less storage per game.

I'd like the intro cinematic too if you don't mind, and the MC meeting the Big Bad.

Fascinating, thanks so much for the explanation. He was still one of the most amoral beings in existence no doubt, but I can see why a nation might respect him, sort of like Alexander the Great who killed so many.

None of them collected stamps, surely we must conclude that not collecting stamps kills.

Ah there you go, I asked about that before seeing your comment. So he is still widely respected there, correct? That is fucked.

Wow...Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Mao still widely respected in China? I'm going to switch from using "____ is literally hitler" to "_____ is literally Mao" now.

Didn't this already happen, and some Jesus guy wrote about it?

What about stores like Wal Mart, from what I've seen they scan the box, make sure something is inside, then accept a return.

Makes sense, and like I said it would have to be towards 250 to hold any appeal to me with the A5 and 1024x768 compared to the Nexus 7, it has better tablet app support but over 100 dollars more for that is too much.

250 for the A5 and presumably the old iPad resolution of 1024x768 wouldn't be bad. 350 for that, completely meh, I'd give it some price leeway for the iOS app tablet support, but 150 more than the N7 is too much with a lower screen res. 350 with a Retina display and die-shrunk A5X or A6 guts? That would be good too.

And those may work better for you. But the Surface is pretty tempting for people who like the tablet form factor but want to be able to use Office on it too, and that is a pretty large segment I bet.

Windows 8 x86 tablets can run every application a Windows 8 laptop or desktop can, plus all the Windows 8 RT stuff. Windows 8 RT/ARM tablets can only run new applications written for them. The difference is legacy support.

For 10" and 32GB plus the upscale materials/design, Office and USB support, that isn't bad at all. I can see this stealing some Android thunder, as it is certainly having that effect on me.

Any chance of some quick speed tests on the browser? It sucks that it's underwhelming, the hardware behind it should at least put it ahead of smartphone browers. I wonder which IE engine they are using, WP7.5 to WP8 got a huge browser improvement for example, the javascript comes out much faster.

iGPU meaning integrated GPU. It is fluid when you force it to use the 650M, but on the HD4000 which it defaults to it is laggy.

"A Macbook screen, that was usually considered the best laptops screen before the retina screen came out is suddenly so bad your eyes were straining to use it?"

It's been a bit since I used an rMBP, but I used it with Mountain Lion and there was still an irritating slowdown with UI animations like the resize or the calendar flip animation, to the point where you could literally count frames. I'm curious, is that still there? Is it unfixable perhaps, since the measly iGPU has

Unlike some I'm glad the U will have these ports so that if you never played something on another console you can on a new console by a different company. However I'm still waiting for something that shows off what the U can really do, like the Uncharted of the Wii U.