
The only thing that surprised me while reading this is the fact Lena Dunham is involved in another series when Girls was terrible enough.

Jordan Peele, you just keep on giving. A treasure you are.

I love Jordan Peele and his wife.

Ohpleaseohpleaseohpleaseohplease let this be something significant.

This is a beautiful way of honoring Philando Castile’s legacy.

This is wonderful, but it also reminds me that we as a country have fucked up so badly and repeatedly that we actually have such a thing as “lunch debt” that poor families are subject to.

Fergus explained to CNN the importance of wiping out this debt, saying that parents are prohibited from applying for need-based, reduced-price lunches when they owe money, so they continue to accrue it. She added that some families owe as much as $1,000 for school lunches.

I hereby name this: Contemplative woman with a perm.

Edam gouda one, in fact.

That’s a gouda one!

Didn’t this happen somewhere else last year?

That is most certainly walking the talk. I wonder who will use their A list status to see this happen. Hell, B List should be able to finagle something too.

The point, for me, anyway, is rehabilitation AND punishment.

I love this idea — taking economic leverage and applying it on behalf of people and groups who’ve lacked it. It’s a great way of addressing the imbalances that Dr. Smith herself first identified years ago, and that Geena Davis highlighted:

A lot of them think everyone else in the world is just as awful as they are so every corrupt, amoral, hypocritical, and outright malignant thing they do or say is justified.

What cleep said! Mine are now 9 and 5 and as they get older and more self-sufficient it gets easier. That claustrophobic neediness does pass!! Easier said than done but hang in there. :)

If you can wipe your own ass with nails, you can wipe your kids ass. Fact. From experience. This is stupid.

The good news is, it won’t last forever.

For me, the little nugget of judgment I feel towards all of them for anything child-related is rooted in my own bitter jealousy. It’s the bitter jealousy of “you didn’t have to change your life AT ALL.”