That’s the spirit!
That’s the spirit!
I feel like this plus his father's letter should be used as textbook examples of rape culture and how it persists.
Does she think rapists spend all their non-rape time kicking puppies and twirling their mustaches while cackling?! I suppose it’s more comforting to believe that evil is always legible.
I’m still pissed that I wasn’t invited to Cannes over Tyga. This guy probably thinks Transformer movies deserve an Oscar.
Who invited Tyga to Cannes? And why?
Why is some random model who’s dating that dirtbag leading off.... dirtbag?
wow, they started it when i was a few days postpartum and i could never have asked for a better thing to happen to me.
A homeless girl in Ireland is tweeting for her LOL
It’s hopeless for me. I find myself raising my eyebrows and making faces and whatnot even while having imaginary conversations. :-)
Have you seen this photoshopped wonder?
I am almost completely incapable of blurbing these basket cases. I find them endlessly fascinating.
i expected a blurb and instead found in depth RHONY journalism and i luv it
Tears...I am in tears laughing and silent shaking and scaring the dogs and my kids are going to walk in in a second to see what’s wrong with me. I’m laughing so hard I may actually puke.
Someone get IkeaMonkey a Bravo editing job STAT.
Poor Dorinda. She really tried.
Can you do a screengrab and add a caption of when Bethenny said, “You fuck EVERYONE!!!” I am not technologically facile enough to accomplish this, and it was, bar none, my favorite moment of the night.