yea, but, Kurt Russell was in Big Trouble in Little China.
yea, but, Kurt Russell was in Big Trouble in Little China.
Are you kidding it? I’m LOVING it. Fox News comments right now are more fun pages full of captioned cats. Look at some of these gems!
Once was in films and it was a gas
HOW CAN YOU HAVE BEN Z. THERE AND NOT BE TRYING TO HUMP BEN Z.? He doesn’t even use his dead mom story to get ahead like most contestants would. So much <3 for Ben Z.
Neato. We can split utilities.
This makes me want to punch everything. ALL OF IT.
i’m freaking out.
New life goal is to go to a movie alone and sit in the seat between the two bros.
Would it surprise you to learn that Tilda Swinton was made of pure sunshine?
I don’t know. I’m a white guy helping to raise a Rosemary plant. Are you saying I’m not half-delicious?
I guess Uncle Jesse forgot his big sister, Pam, was KILLED by a drunk driver!
Shower sex fixes all those things (at least temporarily).
somewhere in the corner of the internet where they celebrate white history month, i imagine
STAHP with the red velvet nonsense, everyone. It is gayroller literally just vanilla cake with a teaspoon of cocoa and a fuckload of artificial coloring. (Seriously, a BOTTLE of red food coloring in one cake!)
the fact that there is a French tabloid just called “Oops!” is pretty much the greatest thing in the world.