
I’m just now hearing about these rumors/accusations (?) but I recently stopped watching his show b/c I realized that it had been grating on me for a while. His idealized romance with an Eastern European woman who can’t communicate with him and his assault on Pamela (followed by an out-of-nowhere romance with her) were

My husband’s uncle is a pilot and used to make extra money towing messages when he was younger - my favorite story of his is of the time some rich guy hired him to fly along the beach in the Hamptons towing a sign saying what a dick some other rich guy was. For hours.

when that part of the male anatomy is aroused and there’s an erection, the brain flies out of that and we have to take that very seriously,

Hey, if I wanted my crazy Jewish grandmother’s opinion on my sex life...


Lady Gaga’s adorable Frenchie pup, Asia, is launching a puppy fashion line.

Dorinda dealing with Drunkass Sonja has been the highlight of the season so far.

En route.

That is not a human head, that is Christmas ham with a face carved into it.

Body shaming is NEVER okay. So, please forgive the asshole that is about to come out of me. That dude has a very large head.

Gotta go write tonight’s Dirtbag.

Right? I did a double-take, having at first, for a moment, identified Ava as Reese. It’s like she sprang directly from Reese’s forehead.

Plus, this is the only Mama

Immunity Idol!


So you’re saying that Steven Tyler does in fact walk this way AND talk this way? That’s incredibly reaffirming.

My mom terrified Tim Allen, once. She was shrieking at my dad (“Alan! ALAN!”) and naturally, dude thought she meant “Allen.” He bolted. She never noticed he’d been standing next to us.

You can run, you can hide, but you can't escape that mole.