
Tesla contracts with Balance Staffing to supply temp workers. Tesla gives Balance Staffing money for their expenses and overhead and profit. Balance Staffing tells the temps that it hired to accept peanuts and interpretive dance in lieu of paychecks. Articles with headlines about “Tesla contract workers pressured to

Your experience was caused in part by the “tragedy of the commons”. Basically any public resource will be [ab]used and depleted because people act in their own self-interest rather than in the common good. See also “people littering in parks” and “really gross public transportation”.

Which makes it look all the worse for him. “She died in a fluke accident, so without notifying anybody, I buried her at sea without making any note of the coordinates where I dumped her. Then, later on, in an entirely unrelated fluke accident, the sub sank in a manner allowing me to escape safely. Then I lied about

I get the feeling this author used to work at a failed tech company and is bitter about their life choices. Foiling and kite boarding are not all that expensive nor exclusive. As far as sports hobbies go, it’s middle of the road at best with regard to expense.

Didn’t they relocate the story to be set in the US? If so, then it’s not whitewashed. It’s just a localized adaptation, like Edge of Tomorrow and House of Cards. That is perfectly acceptable. There’s no expectation to cast Asian American actors, though it would have been nice if they had. If they had kept it set in

Bingo. A lot of the budget goes towards obscenely high salaries and just straight up embezzlement. The MTA needs to be completely transparent about where its budget goes, because I can guarantee that a large portion of their money goes nowhere useful.

I disagree. We’re talking about a power dichotomy here, where someone physically larger and stronger applied that force to someone who was smaller and weaker. This isn’t that different from someone who is socially or economically advantaged using that advantage to injure someone who is socially or economically

“Men are trash” is simply not the same thing as sexist attacks on women, because you don’t face the systemic oppression that makes sexist slurs so toxic

Nah, if you are flying with passes you basically have to wear business casual. They will refuse you if you are wearing jeans, let alone leggings.

They’re traveling for free on a employee pass... There’s different standards when you get it free from the an employee (which then you do represent the company even if you don’t know it) rather than when you paid for your seat.

...pass traveler...

That’s how I feel. No sympathy and good fucking riddance, but props to surving despite all odds.

I’ll settle for “he was terrible.” That’s an appropriate eulogy.

Cuba is like the perfect cautionary tale of cutting off one’s nose to spite one’s face. Like, good on you and congrats to “sticking it to the man,” but how many mouths did that end up feeding? And on the other end of things, America’s obsession with this island elevated it as a symbol in a way that while it may not

My mom called me crying from a casino in Vegas. She was born in Havana a month after he took power and lived in that hell for twelve years. I’m so happy my Grandpa got to see this day. Fuck Castro.

While I have friends who did their med school in Cuba, acknowledge the role he played in supporting Mandela (to a large degree because he wanted to tweak the nose of the US any way he could) and agree that US policy in Latin America has often been a disaster, I have little sympathy for someone who executed 5000

I figure there are a few types of people:

I don’t think you grasp how dangerous it is to normalize discrimination based on political beliefs.

Hello Gawker my old friend.

I hate to be Team Tattoo Artist, but just like you can decide where you want your tattoos, he can also decide what work he’ll stand behind and what he WON’T. Clearly you have artistic differences, as evident by your contempt of his other work. So why would you use him in the first place?